LetoThe2nd changed the topic of #yocto to: Welcome to the Yocto Project | Learn more: https://www.yoctoproject.org | Community: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community | IRC logs: http://irc.yoctoproject.org/irc/ | Having difficulty on the list, with someone on the list or on IRC, contact Yocto Project Community Manager Letothe2nd | CoC: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community/code-of-conduct
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<mischief> nice, it works on master
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<khem> mischief:ok, so even DT issue is resolved ?
<mischief> khem: nope :-)
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<mcfrisk> rburton: do you have some rules/guidelines which genericarm64 drivers are built into kernel vs modules? I see udev in userspace delaying boot a lot if too many drivers in kernel, and most of them are unused on each platform
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<Jones42> I'm trying to add a symlink to /dev/input as ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND, but that doesn't work
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<Jones42> is there any other way to accomplish that?
<Jones42> (both symlink and destination are in /dev/input)
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<Jones42> ah, adding a udev rule worked
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