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<isene> Anybody tried it? Got it to work?
<isene> Binging like never before?
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<aesthetikx> isene I may try it later, do you have to register for an API key first?
<isene> Yes, not for me but for external APIs - but the program will guide you through that
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<wakaflaka> try what?!
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<wakaflaka> does this look good to go? myapp/bin/cleanhist: https://clbin.com/bjWpF -- traverses from beginning to end of your repo and makes sure all lock files and db/schema.rb are in order
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<ox1eef_> The water in Brazil is not safe to consume. And every X months I manage to drink it. Then become insanely sick. \o/
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<wakaflaka> ox1eef_: keep drinking it, eventually you'll develop gut microbes that thrive in it :)
<wakaflaka> i wonder why it's not safe
<wakaflaka> is it improperly recycled urine? rusty cables? the heat?
<ox1eef_> No idea. But safe water is something you have to buy separate to tap water. And accidentally consuming the unpure water leads to days of fever, and fatigue.
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<ruser> is rvm a standard way to manage environments? or is there somethign else I should be using?
<weaksauce> i like rbenv with ruby-install or ruby-build whichever is the one that rbenv also makes
<weaksauce> chruby is a simple one
<weaksauce> asdf is one that manages a bunch of things
<weaksauce> rvm kinda fell out of favor
<ox1eef_> It is a ruby version manager. It lets you switch between different Ruby versions. And install different Ruby versions. It is not essential to developing with Ruby.
<ruser> Thank you. also, should I be directly my questions on rails here or elsewhere?
<tockitj> I used rvm for over a decade (though sporadically for ad hoc scripting mostly) - it worked for me. Is there a good reason to switch to rbenv? And one more question - is there a place where one can see the changes that happened over time through different ruby language version updates?
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<tockitj> Actually - it is available on ruby-lang.org / going through it now.
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<ruser> perhaps someone can point me to and up to date complete getting started with rails (from setting up packages) tutorial? So far a few random ones I've tried failed to to cover all the packages or setting up thigns from scratch (and then subsequent issues with userspace vs root)
<ruser> thought it appears i haven't tried the official one
<weaksauce> ruser rails guides has a good tutorial on rails called the getting started guide
<weaksauce> but that assumes a good working ruby
<ruser> weaksauce: right i'm running into issues with packages that are installed locally into user space vs root
<weaksauce> if you setup rbenv correctly it will all be installed into userspace and everything will run as userspace
<weaksauce> (as long as you are not using system ruby)
<ruser> well, i was ( apt install ruby on jammy ubuntu 20.4 LTS) but that seems not to be the way
<weaksauce> yeah generally people will not use system ruby for a dev machine
<weaksauce> unless you are not using it for much
<ruser> ok, so I need to go back to setting things up, any pointers where I should look for the env?
<weaksauce> read that and see if you like it
<ruser> Do I need to remove any ruby related packages?
<weaksauce> doubtful. you will need to remove anything from your bash/zsh startup files relating to rvm
<weaksauce> if you had that
<weaksauce> it'll install ruby and rubygems into ~/.rubies or something like that and then setup the env to use those
<ruser> i didn't have rvm, but i did poke around some shell rc files with path when trying to figure userspace gem installation vs root
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<ruser> any particual reason I shouldn't be using 'sudo apt install rbenv'
<weaksauce> i think that's one of the install options on that page no?
<ruser> it is
<weaksauce> i'd do the git versio
<weaksauce> n
<weaksauce> depends on how updated you want it and how beholden to the package maintainers you want to be
<wakaflaka> ruser: its a lot easier just using openbsd: https://gist.github.com/basicfeatures/7d1448aad6fadc0def4ffee443f26dab (ask jeremy evans!)
<ruser> :)
<ruser> i'll be honest, I applied for a job that turns out to be rails dev, which is fine. thought I havent touch ruby in like decade and a half, and now just trying to come up to speed without documentations. I am supposed to get some take home assignment but they are being slow [which we did talk about]. So i'm trying to beat it to the punch and have something to show before they send something over the downside
<ruser> of the entire story i have no documents and requirements to go off so trying to bootstrap the knowledge/stack real quick.
<ruser> is ruby 3.2.2 the current stable release? rbenv install -l doesn't list it :/
<weaksauce> does it list anything?
<weaksauce> did you do the apt route?
<weaksauce> if so that's the downside of relying on them
<ruser> weaksauce:
<weaksauce> lol that's wildly out of date
<weaksauce> install it from the git repo
<weaksauce> the latest ruby in there is 2.8 which came out years ago
<ruser> okay, so back to begining i go :)
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<ruser> ok here we go Installing ruby-3.2.2...
<ruser> just going to take a moment and take my dog for a walk
<ox1eef_> wakaflaka: 7.3-STABLE for Ruby is not flawess though. I can't update default gems (eg json) without a segfault when the most recent version is required.
<ruser> So, I believe they run their app on heroku, is there a version of ruby I should target that's not 3.2.2?
<ruser> weaksauce: appreciate the handholding
<weaksauce> to learn it doesn't really matter much ruser
<weaksauce> heroku probably has 3.2.2 since it's been out a while
<ruser> weaksauce: should i remove the os maintaned pkg for ruby?
<weaksauce> no
<ruser> running $ rbenv global 3.2.2 and then ruby --version still shows 3.0.x
<ruser> is that normal?
<ruser> yet:
<ruser> rbenv which ruby
<ruser> /home/user/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/bin/ruby
<weaksauce> are you in a folder with a .ruby-version file
<ruser> negavite
<ruser> but maybe i should re-init the shell
<weaksauce> yeah
<ruser> i maunbally run the eval
<ruser> s/maunbally/manually/
<ruser> okay, instaed of reloading it, i run the eval which does give me correct version. getting closer to actually learning/developing
<weaksauce> you do have to add the init line to your startup script ruser
<ruser> I did
<ruser> thank you for pointing that out though
<ruser> ok, so now that I have appropriate ruby installed. I need would like to get rails with postgres working
<weaksauce> np now if you are in a folder with a .ruby-version file and there is a valid ruby installed and named in that file it will automatically switch
<ruser> yep, I made sure to create one via $ rbenv local 3.2.2 to make sure it persists that way in the future project path
<weaksauce> create the new rails project with the postgres flag
<weaksauce> rails new my_project --postgres i think
<ruser> iirc rails new myapp --database=postgresql
<weaksauce> yeah there it is
<ruser> now, is the ubuntu LTS maintained postgre is sufficient or not?
<weaksauce> yeah for learning it's fine
<weaksauce> go through the getting started guide
<weaksauce> it will get you squared away with 80% of what you need to know
<ruser> well, rails new seems to be failing
<ruser> hmm, seems to be wanting to write to /var/lib/gems path for some reason
<weaksauce> yeah that's not quite right
<weaksauce> which gem and which rails
<ruser> rails seeems to point to the os one, and ruby to the shim
<weaksauce> which gem
<ruser> shim
<weaksauce> gem install rails
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<ruser> that worked, yet which still pointing to /usr/local/bin/rails
<ruser> maybe i should restart the shell
<weaksauce> and in a new tab rbenv system && sudo gem uninstall rails
<ruser> rbenv: no such command `system'
<weaksauce> oh
<weaksauce> rbenv shell system
<weaksauce> and then do the unistall
<weaksauce> and rbenv rehash
<ruser> ok - /home/user/.rbenv/shims/rails
<weaksauce> nice
<weaksauce> now it should be fairly smooth
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<ruser> mmm, still issues with the bundler
<weaksauce> what issue?
<ruser> looks like missing libpq-dev, sorting this out
<ruser> at some point i should figure out how to dockerize this :)
<ruser> but first things first, the pq-dev were missing and now something is happening.
<ruser> allright
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<ruser> so, rails finished initializing, postgre seems to be running now needs to sort out the configuration and other things and test some sort of hello world app :)
<ruser> thank you for help, afk, for about an hour, walking the dogo
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