havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Sampersand> Can someone who has a windows laptop try cloning my ruby 0.49 repo and tell me if it compiles
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<Sampersand> Hi friends! I (abt a month ago or so) came across ruby 0.49, which was made in 1994. I've spent quite awhile trying to get it to work on my m1, but im worried it might not work on windows machines. would someone kindly try (a) following the istallation instructions (which should—hopefully—be self-explanatory) and (b) run `make`? :
<Sampersand> (also, i've talked to a few people about rubyconf, and they said that a talk about early ruby wont geta green light from rubyconf: usa. is that true? if so, that's super depressing)
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<nona> aesthetikx: what do you do you with the hot towel? is it for wrapping the goat cheese in before eating it?
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<nona> y'all, look what someone made: https://github.com/arbox/machine-learning-with-ruby
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<miah> sup gemstones
<adam12> miah: o/
<miah> its been a minute since ive hacked the ruby. but im back!
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<adam12> miah: welcome back!
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<ox1eef_> Goat cheese. Not sure I dislike any particular type of food more than that.
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<lester29> do you recommend to buy a books about ruby?
<lester29> what do you think about this: https://www.amazon.com/Learn-Ruby-Rails-Web-Development/dp/0692364218 introduction to rails?
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<ox1eef_> Books are good for becoming familiar and learning the basics, but the language and environment move so fast that at a certain point reading online material has an edge.
<ox1eef_> Especially true for Rails
<fakenullie> ox1eef_: books still can make sense to get comprehensive view of best practices
<ox1eef_> I agree. No doubt they can be useful. But I wouldn't rely on them alone. Reading online is worthwhile too.
<fakenullie> sure
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<drainpipe> Eloquent Ruby is a book that stands up. Lots of nice insights into designing Ruby-ish classes and design patterns.
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<lester29> after I complete the ruby introduction book I'm going to learn the algorithms such as linked list, quick sort, stack, binary search etc
<lester29> is learning algorithms a good topic to improve the coding skills in ruby?
<fakenullie> learning algorithms is a good way to improve coding skills in general
<fakenullie> implementing algorithms improves coding skills in particular language and coding skills in general
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<fakenullie> and is a good topic for this, yes
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<dorian> yo did the way to register uri schemes change with ruby 3
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<dorian> ah, so they did. there is now URI.register_scheme
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<aesthetikx> nona: correct
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<havenwood> lester29: I'd recommend Polished Ruby Programming, by Jeremy Evans. https://www.packtpub.com/product/polished-ruby-programming/9781801072724
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<weaksauc_> eloquent ruby is also a great one
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<johnjaye> also the actual site for the docs is docs.ruby-lang.org. there's a different one that comes up on google
<johnjaye> i have it bookmarked just in case so i don't get confused
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