havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Guest26nakilon> thanks guys for those snippets; I guess my golfing knowledge is outdated
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<Guest26nakilon> I've added examples to my gem "wsui"; two interactive (tic tac toe and calculator) and non-interactive (collatz conjecture checker); and released 0.0.0 for now
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<nona> hmm there's a gem which depends on "~> 2" of another gem, where it should probably depend on either "~> 2.2" or ">= 2" or ">= 2.2" instead. and it causes dependency conflicts with other gems. until the author responds to my ticket and pushes a new release to rubygems.org, is there any way i can help myself in the meantime?
<nona> hmm nevermind
<nona> i was stupid
<nona> and my problem is solved now
<nona> hope everyone's having a nice day :D
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<roadie> :)
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<hightower3> Hey folks on Ruby 3.2.2, why would I get this error: ruby/lib/yaml.rb:4:in `require': cannot load such file -- psych (LoadError)
<hightower3> isn't psych one of builtin gems in that version of ruby?
<hightower3> Does it depend on some C lib or something?
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<newton> hightower3, googling says you might be missing a libyaml(-dev) on your system. you'd need to install it and possibly reinstall ruby after
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<lester29> hey, is "gets&.strip" a good way to read striped string from user?
<adam12> lester29: Maybe you want `gets(chomp: true)`
<adam12> There's of course nothign really wrong with your solution either.
<lester29> how should I handle the possible strip call on the nil object?
<adam12> lester29: You're stripping all whitespace or just trailing?
<lester29> trailing
<adam12> Do you care about the newline?
<lester29> newline should be stripped too
<adam12> lester29: Ah I see. In that case, just use your solution.
<adam12> lester29: If it was just newlines, chomp: true would probably have been better.
<lester29> what should i do with possible strip call on the nil object?
<lester29> how should i handle the errors caused by it?
<lester29> should i bother about it?
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<adam12> lester29: the lonely operator should cover you (&.)
<adam12> nil&.strip
<lester29> i see
<lester29> i evaluated this in the irb
<lester29> i have some little experience with python and i consider switching to ruby
<lester29> what do you think about python? i personally think that ruby has more elegant syntax than python
<lester29> i need simply a language for sysadmin
<adam12> lester29: I use python occasionally. I've been writing Ruby since like 2004 and understand it much better.
<lester29> how do you compare python with ruby?
<adam12> lester29: I find Python loops strange. Where Ruby puts the iterator at the beginning (books.each { |book|), Python seems to have it at the end which messes with my head.
<adam12> I'd rather write Ruby, IMHO.
<lester29> i'm going to start with the yukihiro matsumoto's book
<lester29> i have a printed 2008 edition from someone who left this book for me
<adam12> lester29: It's pretty old but I am sure there is a lot of carry-over to current Ruby. At least core primitives.
<lester29> so do you think is it a good idea to start learning ruby from this book?
<adam12> lester29: I think it wouldn't hurt, but beware that if you do, it's a book that's fairly out of date from current Ruby.
<hightower3> newton, I have it, that wasn't the issue. It turns out the issue was I was trying to add additional gems to compile/install into ruby's gem/bundled_gems file. But it didn't like that. If I removed my custom gems from that list, it worked. Thanks
<adam12> lester29: If you're familar with Python, a lot of stuff carries over to Ruby. You could probably get pretty far just rewriting something from Python to Ruby and approaching one piece at a time.
<adam12> hightower3: Interesting. What were you adding to bundled_gems out of curiosity?
<lester29> i can read this book as introduction and then read about changes in the current ruby
<lester29> it should be best approach as i understand
<hightower3> adam12, I tried adding these gems: awesome_print msgpack net-telnet redis redisearch-rb ruby-metrics sqlite3 typhoeus websocket
<hightower3> (with appropriate versions, of course, as required by the format of the file)
<adam12> hightower3: Are you automating something that would need this?
<hightower3> yes, automating a build of ruby with additional modules needed
<hightower3> you got advice how this should be done? I would find it inconvenient if I had to compile ruby/gem, and then run `gem install ...`. This is inconvenient because the commands are compiled in a temp environment, they're not ready to be run
<adam12> hightower3: Not personally. If you are copying this across platforms you might run into issue with library locations for any gem with a C ext.
<adam12> Theres the option of passing a Gemfile to `gem install`. `gem install -g gems.rb` or something.. not sure if that would work any better for you.
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<lester29> thank you for advice about learning ruby
<lester29> maybe i'll write my personal website in ruby on rails
<lester29> i hope i pass exams on my university
<lester29> then i'll go to learn ruby
<hightower3> adam12, yes that wouldn't help. Because I'm building a debian package. So the command `gem` is compiled in a temporary directory (it's not installed into /usr/...). So if I run `gem install`, it's gonna try to install things into /usr/ rather than into the temporary directory
<adam12> lester29: good luck!
<adam12> hightower3: Ahh. What about setting GEM_PATH and/or GEM_HOME?
<adam12> (before gem install)
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<hightower3> adam12, not sure, will ask debian devs how it's usually done (and before that I'll check if debian's ruby packages already have a trick for additional modules. if yes, I will just reuse it)
<hightower3> thanks for input
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