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<mooff> hightower3: check out gem2deb
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<lester29> do you recommend learning ruby together with c or first master ruby before touching any other language?
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<sarna> lester29: both together would be tough, they're kinda of different worlds
<sarna> are you new to programming?
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<lester29> sarna: yes
<sarna> lester29: then it's best to stick to one language until you're comfortable with it. ruby is a good choice :)
<sarna> you can dabble in C later if you decide so, it'll be less frustrating than trying to learn both at once
<lester29> is it okay to learn ruby together with emacs and its elisp language?
<lester29> i want to do ruby stuff inside emacs
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<sarna> lester29: everything's okay, but I'd advise to take one thing at a time
<sarna> or - you could try them together, and if you get too frustrated, drop emacs for something else for a while
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<sarna> doom is a good framework for emacs btw - https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs
<sarna> I've never used vanilla emacs, it's too painful for me :)
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<lester29> ok, i'll go with emacs and ruby
<lester29> i'll focus on these two things
<sarna> have fun!
<lester29> do you know how do I verify if user input is a number, and if not print error message and ask user gain? when I enter 'abcdef' at gets.chomp.to_i, input string is converted to 0
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<sarna> `to_i` returns 0 in case of failure, so it's not the best option here. try `Integer(foo)` or `Float(foo)` depending on which you want
<lester29> ty
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<ox1eef_> Integer(foo, exception: false).nil?
<ox1eef_> If nil is returned you know the input is not a valid number.
<lester29> or begin rescue
<ox1eef_> I would avoid it.
<leftylink> I hate it when that happens
<lester29> i started with simple programs in ruby to avoid too much burden myself
<lester29> such as calculator, various menu console apps
<lester29> i can't wait to learn the rails
<lester29> i see in my city there are well-paid jobs for ruby on rails developers
<lester29> btw i think whether i want or not, some things i'll have to learn simultaneously such as english language, subjects required by my school
<lester29> i'm computer science student
<lester29> so better question would be on how to organize time efficiently instead of "should i learn it together with it"
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<Guest10> what is ruby
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<lester29> what's better way to define enums? module Foo BAR = 1 or symbols?
<sarna> lester29: I like to put symbols in a module, example https://git.sr.ht/~sarna/rublox/tree/main/item/lib/token.rb#L6
<sarna> there's a trick at the end - `private_constant(*constants)` - it's so that when I `include` the module, the constants are not re-exported by the class I'm including it in
<lester29> what's the difference between putting symbols in a module instead of a class, for instance class XYZ CONSTANT_1 = :constant_1
<lester29> why do you put your constants in modules instead of classes?
<sarna> classes should have meaningful instances
<sarna> in my case, `TokenType` is just a group of constants, nothing more
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<lester29> how can I pass parameter values by keywords without putting in the declaration of the function :foo, like in python def f(x): pass; f(x=2)?
<leftylink> the only valid ways to call and declare functions are listed in https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.0/syntax/calling_methods_rdoc.html#label-Arguments
<leftylink> oh I'm sorry, that's only the valid ways to call functions. defining functions and their parmeters is in https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.0/syntax/methods_rdoc.html#label-Arguments
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<leftylink> if I want to specify at the call site which argument is assigned to which parameter, I must use keyword arguments. I cannot use =, because = is an assignment to a local variable
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<lester29> do I apply the parentheses right way?
<lester29> should I apply parentheses only before ( in the compound expression or at your discretion?
<lester29> I mean let's suppose expressions like this Float gets.chomp vs Float(gets.chomp)
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<ox1eef_> Up to your preference. Functionally the same.
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<KOTP> Float gets or Float(gets) is just style. No need to use chomp at all, since a number will not have a newline, so no reason to remove it with an additional method call.
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<ox1eef_> KOTP: gets is always going to add a newline, whether it receives a pure number or whatever else.
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<mooff> = '>> Object.new.tap { |o| def o.inspect() "= :lol" end }'
<ruby-eval> => ">> Object.new.tap { |o| def o.inspect() \"= :lol\" end }"
<mooff> dang it! lol
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<mooff> = @n = 5; def lol() if n > 0; @n -= 1; puts ">> puts '= lol'" end end
<ruby-eval> => :lol
<mooff> = lol
<ruby-eval> ERROR: undefined local variable or method `n' for main:Object
<ruby-eval> (eval):1:in `lol'
<ruby-eval> Did you mean? @n
<mooff> = @n = 5; def lol() if @n > 0; @n -= 1; puts ">> puts '= lol'" end end; lol
<ruby-eval> >> puts '= lol'
<ruby-eval> => nil
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<mooff> thwarted
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