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<Sampersand> Til that `printf` can take an io as the first arg
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<momo-> hi.
<momo-> I have a string containing urls. How would I get the urls out of the string into an array with all urls?
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<momo-> I am using URI.regexp(["https"]).match(text)[0].
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<adam12> momo-: What happens when you leave the index off? ([0])
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<isene> havenwood: Great. Thanks :)
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<nona> hi ruby
<nona> aside from the formatting being borderline-dangerous
<nona> could someone explain `<` in that context?
<nona> it's not the less-than operator, is it? and not the inheritance operator, either?
<konsolebox> nona: Gives me a good laugh
<nona> konsolebox: makes me scratch my head ... please help me get to the laughing part :P
* nona wishes there was an official list of symbols for Ruby somewhere ... including operators and things like the < in `class Foo < Bar`, which I just learned is not an operator (but what is it then? because it's definitely part of the language's grammar...)
<konsolebox> I think unless is supposed to be a continuation of `return arg1 if arg2.to_s.empty?`
<konsolebox> Or maybe not... the condition block might just be meant to be empty
<konsolebox> nona: A bit simpler form: https://bpa.st/7LBVO
<ox1eef_> nona: That's Module#<.
<ruser> ox1eef_: so idk if you are interested but apparently documentation omited a cruicial step for setting up postgres, and that's if you are using a diff username than the system name one needs to change the authentication model for postgre for things to work
<ox1eef_> Good to hear you figured it out
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<ruser> at least it seems i'm one step closer, it created the _develppment and _test databases
<ruser> erm, spelling
<ox1eef_> Cool
<ruser> I totally forgot logs were a thing, and then the whole log entry was a little suspicous but it put me on the right track for the pg_hba.conf
<ruser> just wanted to report here in case someone was following
<ruser> thank for the help
<ruser> either way seems like documentation was a little amiss, or just assumed the responsiblity lies else where
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<adam12> nona: While not super magical, I'd say in some ways that use of unless/begin/rescue usage is what makes people hate on Ruby's syntax :\
<adam12> nona: If I ran into that in a team project I'd immediately flag it. Too much mental gymnastics.
<konsolebox> I don't think Ruby's syntax is the problem per se. It's the people that misuse it.
<adam12> konsolebox: No, but that's exactly it. Give an inch, take a mile. I wouldn't want stricter syntax, but sometimes people get super creative on solutions in a team setting, I end up constantly hearing about how bad Ruby syntax is.
<adam12> I'm assuming that code example is incomplete since the `unless` does nothing, but it could have been a method to perform the lookup and then a rescue, and then an eager return or bouncer method.
<nona> whoops, sorry, got called away from the PC ... reading now
<nona> thank you for that link, konsolebox. so this falls under "meta programming" then.
<konsolebox> Somewhat yes
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<nona> adam12: it *is* a team project. that specific code was written by someone who left years ago. around a year after the person left, the client's management decided to axe their development team (the website was doing what it was supposed to, and the developers were their biggest expense). they've since hired new developers who are struggling to get the project to a maintainable state.
<nona> but now that i understand what it is i can do something about it. thank you all :)
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<adam12> nona: A lot of older Ruby code probably has syntax like this. In some ways I'd say maybe we were more immature at the time.. :)
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<nona> people are people. that's ok. best not to hate.
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<adam12> gemdocs.org is over 1TB in YARD docs now.
<adam12> I've been archiving gem releases for some time now, and it's about 500 GB too.
<nona> doesn't seem so "experimental" a service
<adam12> nona: Why's that?
<nona> 1TB of docs...
<adam12> nona: Oh. LOL. Some gems produce HUGE YARD output :( It's why I started gemdocs.org originally; azure_mgmt_network would timeout on rubydoc.info.
<nona> oh i see
<nona> so you'll consider it non-experimental once it manages to shield the visitor from the non-useful and presents them only the useful?
<adam12> nona: More specifically, I don't think documentation for Ruby is solved, and I'd consider it non-experimental when I've had time to explore other solutions I've been thinking about.
<adam12> nona: But since it's a passion project in my free time, using my own companies donated resources, I don't want there to be expectations set that this is big-funded or a full time project.
<adam12> Similar to rubydoc.info in many ways, except our approach is different.
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<nona> hmm
<nona> not sure if "documentation is solved" for any programming language
<nona> in any case, i'm happy i just discovered your passion project :)
<adam12> nona: lol. thanks :)
<nona> have you an opionion on YARD-style "@todo" vs. oldschool task tags such as TODO?
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<adam12> nona: I normally use TODO, but I use YARD tags a lot too (just not @todo).
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<adam12> nona: I find Ruby documentation in a weird place, where rdoc development slowed, YARD is bugfixes only, RBS is moving along decently, but they are all fragmented. RDoc was never going to adopt YARD tags, but RDoc doesn't feel expressive enough on it's own for most people.
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<adam12> We're very fragmented.
<adam12> I'm contributing to that by hosting YARD docs, but I'm going to look at doing rdoc as well, and perhaps find some ways to upstream some fixes.
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<adam12> We'd almost need _another_ documentation tool that supports both as legacy formats, buts that's now into XKCD 927 territory.
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<nona> hmm
<nona> grepping through this codebase, i find that @todo is much different from _documentation_ ... it seems useful to stay with TODO and FIXME and perhaps NOTE for things that are not _supposed_ to end up in any kind of auto-generated documentation
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<nona> oh wait i bet XKCD927 is the one with the competing standards :P
<nona> "Note that YARD is mostly backwards-compatible with RDoc" says someone on stackoverflow...
<nona> and then there's a thing called TomDoc
<nona> hmm, "YARD has a nicer syntax than RDoc that will be familiar to developers coming from other languages" says someone on github
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<konsolebox> What could have broke?
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<nona> konsolebox: re the begin-rescue-end formatting, i've now noticed that RubyMine not only encourages but almost enforces it to be typed like https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/543aec08f2ba51d0acc1014cafa4bd10 ... even if you try to format it differently (to fit with the 2-spaces-for-one-indentation-level paradigm), it makes it really difficult.
<nona> oh. rubocop considers that "correct" ... https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/issues/7470 ... ouch.
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<konsolebox> nona: That's unfortunate. How about wrapping the begin block inside a ()? does it enforces it as well?
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<nona> oh, interesting, konsolebox! that fools it. and you can then even remove the parentheses again and it'll leave it be.
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<nona> hmm the rubocop rule for this seems to be 'Layout/BeginEndAlignment'
<adam12> konsolebox: Interestingly, I built it OK on gemdocs.org. http://gemdocs.org/gems/digest-kangarootwelve/0.4.7/
<konsolebox> adam12: Thank you.. Yeah I'm expecting to build well since I haven't made changes to README.md or the main C file that represents the library. Must been a hiccup in rubydoc.info's end. I already sent a query about it.
<adam12> I thought it might be related to a custom YARD plugin (since I never got around to adding support for that) but looking at your repo, you don't use them. So I'd agree with you that it must have been rubydoc.info side.
<konsolebox> (Actually did made version string changes to README, but that's not significant.)
<konsolebox> adam12: I tried YARD before, but it still lacks a few things that RI has.
<adam12> konsolebox: I use `ri` so much.
<adam12> konsolebox: It's a shame that we used to encourage `--no-ri --no-rdoc` as the default for installs back in the day.
<adam12> ri could still use some improvements. I have a 1 line PR open for 16+ months now, so I am not sure what's going on there. https://github.com/ruby/rdoc/pull/861
<adam12> We have a bunch of HTML leaking into ri too, which is unfortunate.
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<konsolebox> adam12: rdoc seems to be in maintenance mode atm. I see no feature merged since 2021. Not even nobu's: https://github.com/ruby/rdoc/pull/882
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Sometimes fragmentation is the only choice. Especially if your vision is different to that of upstream.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Agreed.
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