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in order (hoping they read the logs): arandr is for x, so of course it won't work with river, try kanshi or wlr-randr instead; the WM protocol will allow you to implement window management schemes making use of those concepts, yes
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Hi, is there a way to allow dragging views from an output to another?
other than shift+super+ <number> ?
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welp, that is not dragging :D for example there is no way to have a view show half on one output and half on another
no, views are entirely within one output
never tried dragging a window with mouse (super+left mouse)
<Nickli> another output
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hello.. I thought I use a mouse wheel binding, e. g. to move among tags. but I cannot find the correct key. I tried rel_wheel, rel_wheel and others that showed in evtest but no luck so far, so I decided to ask here
afaik there is no go to prev/next tag built in to river so you'll have to use external script
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one more, is there a way to achieve the following: be on tag 1, press keybind to switch to tag 2, then press the same keybind and go back to tag 1 (or wherever you last were)? There was an option for this in i3 that I can't remember the name :D
Nickli: i know! the issue is identifying is wheel up / down are valid events to bind in riverctl and how.
actually. to give more context to my research I have tested niri and found some of his concepts useful to my dale use. so I thought I may try to setup river in similar ways. maybe even using river guile or riverlua to build a custom layout generator. using mouse wheels is the first step in my assessment
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pixavi, i assume it is mouse_wheel or something similar to what mouse button is in default config
havent done it myself so i cant speak from experience
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