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Hey everyone, is there a way to set a floating app to always-on-top in river?
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I've noticed that a certain Xwayland app I use seems to be able to do this, but apps running natively under Wayland can't. Does river support this feature? I'm not sure if it's because the Wayland apps I'm using lack implementation of certain protocols, or if river itself doesn't support this functionality.
By the way, is it possible to set an app to always-on-top through rules?
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Hello! I am new to this WM, and I'd like to know, how can i configure my Waybar to display the different workspaces? And how should i use riverctl to switch back and forth between them?
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I have a semi-transparent window that I'd like to fullscreen. This leads to the transparent bits loosing their transparency and me not being able to see my (layer shell based) desktop background. I'm aware that this is intended because the compositor stops... compositing here, but is there a sort of pseudo-fullscreen I could use so that my
background remains visible?
Oh, and is this implementable with the new window management protocol?
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lordmzte: make the window take up the entire output and remove borders