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<TheAnachron> hello. So recently I started having some trouble with river + suspend. river would prevent my system from sleeping.
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<TheAnachron> It's related to the amdgpu driver, so it may be caused by the AMD driver, no idea. Here is the dmesg:
<TheAnachron> I'm on river 0.3.7 and wideriver 1.2.0
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<ifreund> TheAnachron: I'm pretty sure there's nothing we can do to affect that on river's side, that's likely an amdgpu kernel bug
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<TheAnachron> ifreund: I was afraid of that. When I seached for AMDGPU and linux 6.13 it shows as much issues as changelogs, and the changes in look like something big is currently underway.
<TheAnachron> ifreund: can you tell me how freezing works? Why does it show river? Because its the only process using the AMDGPU driver, thus responsible to release it?
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<LarstiQ> if you look at the stack trace there is an `amdgpu_device_fini` calling into `drain_workqueue` that is not returning by the time the suspend would like it to finish
<LarstiQ> presumably the same would happen with another wlroots (and maybe wayland in general) compositor
<ifreund> TheAnachron: it probably shows river because river is the DRM master and controlling output to your monitor
<ifreund> I don't know details of how suspend is implemented in the kernel and how the DRM subsystem interacts with it
<TheAnachron> I see. I was initially a bit afraid it could've been caused by wideriver, as I was switching kernel versions and the layout manager at the same time.
<TheAnachron> Thanks for the quick reply, as always! ifreund
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<CelestialCrafter> is there any way to have my outputs not have seperate tags?
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