ChanServ changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor || || channel logs:
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<Guest50> Hello, I'm looking to write a layout manager and I was wondering if there is a way to get which view is currently focused from the layout protocol, to implement things like a bspwm like default layout. In addition, I was wondering if it is possible to map a keybind to multiple river commands using riverctl. I tried looking at the relevant docs for
<Guest50> these things but I didn't seem anything that suggested either was possible
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<leon-p> Guest50: if you want multiple actions on a single keybind, write a script
<leon-p> it is not possible to get the focused window
<leon-p> however see merge request 1100, which will replace layout generators
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<szgy> JJ
<szgy> oops
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<Guest14> Hi
<Guest14> how i can change the keyboard language ( toggle from us to gr) the config is in lua
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<gbrlsnchs> "the config is in lua" oh no
<gbrlsnchs> is it that paid closed-source config again
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<LarstiQ> gbrlsnchs: oh I had forgotten about that
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<bwbuhse> $6 for a River config? xD wtf
<Nickli> i wonder how many he sold
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<i3riced> Should I switch to river from i3wm? I hear a lot of "You should switch to waylands, it is the future", and I don't know if I should listen to those people.
<i3riced> Tried sway, didn't work for me (there were issues with the resolution), and I really don't want to spend a lot of time fixing wayland stuff, I just want it to work
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<i3riced> Anyone here?
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<ifreund> leon-p: I may have unblocked myself on rwm by solving the design issue I was stuck on, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts:
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