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<grm`> Hi, I am trying to run some C code when river changes mode, I have started by copying most of the setup code from river-tag-overlay.c, and I am using the latest version of the status protocol with the mode support, the rest of the callbacks work, but not the mode one. Am I missing something in the chain?
<grm> damn I was already here xD
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<grm> I suspect it has to do with the version? Since mode is new, however it compiles fine
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<grm> It was the version, turns out I needed to bump it in the wl_registry_bind call
<grm> hmm should I rename river-status-unstable-v1.h to v3.h (and the corresponding xml)?
<ifreund> grm: no, that -v1 corresponds to the 1 in zriver_status_manager_v1
<ifreund> and that number is only incremented when breaking changes require creating an entirely new, incompatible protocol
<ifreund> backwards-compatible versions increment the interface version, for example the 4 in this line:
<ifreund> zriver_status_manager_v1
<ifreund> oops, <interface name="zriver_status_manager_v1" version="4">
<grm> ah, got it, thanks
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