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so what exactly will 1100 bring on the user facing end? my understanding is that its a change from layout generators to more general window manager clients, but does it allow those wms to have additional capabilites or anything right now or is it only an implementation detail type thing for now? i read some of the pr but it kinda goes over my head a bit
mikec: yeah, the wms will have more control over doing things differently than riverwm does now
river just doing the compositing in the future
it's been a while since I read the protocol spec but I'm confident in going out on a limb and claiming that for example if you want to write a wm that includes manual layouting (say splitting a focused window) you can do that with 1100 and it's impossible right now (without changing the river code itself to do that, and hence this approach for more flexibility)
will that be possible when the pr drops though or is it more this allows us to easily add the code to do this later
the PR enables others to write things like that, river is getting out of the game of doing window management itself so it won't bring any specific feature like that itself
that said, several people have been writing wms against 1100 so who knows what's ready to go when the PR is merged
is it planned for the current layout generator system to work with rwm or will it be easy enough to write wms that it wont really be needed
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that's up to the wm I think whether they implement the layout generator protocol
seems to me like this will be a very neat feature when it gets merged, looking forward to what people come up with
personally I really like the bspwm style window management, so if I can get that on wayland that would be great
yeah it's exciting stuff. River already works rather well for me but there are still a couple of things I might like to try and change
what sorts of stuff are you looking to try
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reminds me of how people build openbox into their tiling wm
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mikec: my workflow still is influenced by long usage of awesomewm. It would be a bit smoother with a maximize toggle that is not fullscreen, and a miniimize that leaves the window on the tag but doesn't show it and skips it in focus-view
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Hello all :D
I'm trying to find out if there is a cmd to list all windows with their app-id and title. Does that exist ?
True, but I didn't look there for the information. I was expecting at least a mention that riverctl does not provide a cmd that shows app-id and title.
a mention in the man pages *
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