ChanServ changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor || || channel logs:
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<Guest64> does anyone know why River leaves artifacts when hiding waybar? For example killall -SIGUSR1 waybar
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<pastbear> hi
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<pastbear> hi
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<pastbear> i am new to river and no keybinds i define work
<pastbear> not even default
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<ihatevalve223> chat is there a way to make fullscreen use nearest neighbor scaling
<pastbear> idk
<pastbear> but i cant figure out why my keybinds dont work
<pastbear> like mine and default
<ihatevalve223> is ~/.config/river/init executable?
<pastbear> yes
<pastbear> its wierd
<leon-p> pastbear: check the logs
<leon-p> the common issues: do you have a terminal installed?
<leon-p> do you have a font installed?
<pastbear> i have kitty
<pastbear> and a font
<leon-p> try `river -c kitty`
<pastbear> idk where logs
<leon-p> it should launch river with kitty
<leon-p> try defining binds from that kitty instance by calling riverctl manually
<leon-p> I have to go now unfortunately (I'll be gone for a few hours)
<pastbear> ok bye
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<pastbear> can someone else help
<pastbear> cause kitty flashes up on screen for half a second then dies
<pastbear> please anyone
<pastbear> why is this chat so dead
<ifreund> because people are busy
<ifreund> and theres nothing we can do to help without you sharing actual logs and error messages
<pastbear> there are no errors
<pastbear> and idk where i can get logs
<ifreund> collect rivers stderr and stdout output
<pastbear> ok
<pastbear> il get it
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<pastbear> there you go errors river gives me
<pastbear> ?
<pastbear> anyone ^
<ifreund> pastbear: well, from that log it looks like river is working fine but kitty fails to start due to some GLFW/xkbcommon error
<ifreund> I'd suggest trying a different terminal emulator, I find foot quite reliable myself
<pastbear> but i need ligatures
<pastbear> and foot does not have them
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<leon-p> trying to help certain people sometimes is quite exhausting; maybe respinding mit rtfm was the right idea all along...
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