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<Guest50> hello lads
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<Guest50> So, I'm new to wayland and riverwm and I'm trying to set a few dconf values (with dconf command) related to GTK-theme and the dconf values get updated successfully; however they aren't reflected on the GTK apps, does anyone know what's going on or how I could fix this?
<leon-p> Guest50: some GTK applications overwrite themeing
<leon-p> could you share the command you use to set the values?
<leon-p> also make sure the string you set as gtk theme is a valid theme name for a theme at a valid theme path
<Guest50> here's the command that I'm using as I switch between light/dark mode a lot
<Guest50> dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme "'prefer-light'"
<leon-p> this one works for me: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-light
<Guest50> I tried this same command on a different wayland compositor (NiriWM) and the changes are reflected visually as soon I run the command
<leon-p> that's expected behavour on river as well and is what happens for me with the command I mentioned aboce
<leon-p> *above
<Guest50> Ah; I thought I was missing something that River required; Well, how do I make it so that changes are reflected as soon as the dconf commands are ran?
<leon-p> should work out-of-the-box, river isn't involved in that at all
<leon-p> have you tried the gsettings command?
<Guest50> I don't have gsettings installed; only dconf
<leon-p> might be a dbus issue, although I was under the impression dconf stuff doesn't actually care about the dbus desktop session and is a bit more robust
<Guest50> I do have dbus update environment running so I'm not sure what's wrong
<leon-p> weird
<leon-p> what applications are you testing with?
<Guest50> Nautilus, Gedit, Firefox, and a couple others
<leon-p> I see, yeah those should work
<Guest50> I'm starting to think this is related to portals
<Guest50> I currently have wlr and gtk portals
<leon-p> you coulr try to monitor the dbus events both in the setup where it works and in your river setup
<leon-p> you can use `dbus-monitor` for that
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<Guest50> I don't get any relevant logs from dbus-monitor
<Guest50> nothing that helps in my case
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<leon-p> that's unfortunate. I don't have any further ideas, sorry
<Guest50> thats alright
<Guest50> I'm playing around with portals to see if it might be related to it
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