ChanServ changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor || || channel logs:
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<Guest93> hi
<Guest93> i am trying to install river on gentoo but i cant manage to figure it out
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<Guest93> hi
<Guest93> anyone here
<Guest93> can someone help me with installing river on gentoo
<Guest93> or can someone tell me where i can find help
<Guest93> im realy lost and dont know what to do
Guest93 is now known as pastbear
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<leon-p> you should probably just ask about the actual issues you're facing
<leon-p> asking whether you can ask will rarely get you results on IRC
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<gongle> i am using river with a scale factor of 2 but xwayland renders with a halved resolution as a result, how do i make xwayland not scale when launching and instead let me handle the scaling
<gongle> also i am gongle
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<n8r> Any other Thinkpad + Arch Linux + river users have trackpoint + mouse buttons stop working?
<n8r> Going to reboot but I will check the channel logs later.
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<n8r> updating packages and rebooting fixed it. Still curious if anyone has experienced that.
<cer-0> @n8r Never, only the usual trackpoint drift, but that's not river's fault.
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