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a forum tend to be great for finding help ... when things have happened before
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quick question
why is river not finding my config
it is in ~/.config/river/init
and its executable
but river says file not found
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how you mean
man strace
dont have that
im on gentoo
again, share the exact error message if you want help
you mean the error of strace
or the file not found
whatever river is logging that you believe means river is "not finding my config"
this is file not found one
or just the full river log
/bin/sh: line 1: /home/pastbear/.config/river/init: cannot execute: required file not found
this is all the rest are not errors
seems like your .config/river/init is not executable
so, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the problem is your gentoo system not being actually usable
or you have a broken shebang line in your init script
the error message is from /bin/sh in any case, not river
in the future, please always share the
*exact* error message up front
this will get you answers to your questions quicker and save this back and forth
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quick question, is there a way to make it so river automatically switches to whatever tag is urgent?
nope, not currently
damn, oh well, thanks
whats the best way for me to jump to urgent tag in a command? (for keybinding)
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you could create a simple program that auto-focusses urgent tags
not sure it's worth the effort with 1100 on the horizon though
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