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<prabhakarlad> palmer: I get build issues with -fixes branch, due to multiple definitions of local_flush_tlb_kernel_range() in tlbflush.c
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<bjoto> prabhakar: Hmm, fixes is at 6.8-rc1. What config?
<prabhakar> bjoto: I replied to patch "riscv: mm: execute local TLB flush after populating vmemmap" with config attached.
<bjoto> Cheers
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<mwette> gcc 4.7.2, backported to riscv, is used for bootstraping Guix:
<mwette> It's the last gcc written in C, IIRC.
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<muurkha> mwette: I think you're right
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<sevan> There's a talk at FOSDEM about GCC 4.7
<sevan> this weekend ^
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<jrtc27> but why does anyone care about using it to build openocd
<jrtc27> it has one sensible use in this decade: bootstrapping a modern toolchain
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<muurkha> I think there are people who don't want to use C++
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<sevan> If you're on an ancient system, it means that you have to go via an intermediary compiler in this case GCC 4.7.
<sevan> I don't think think it is driven by contempt for C++
<sevan> jrtc27: because for some, they're not in an ivory tower who gets hardware from vendors and it makes things accesible. Fish out something from a bin & put it to use.
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<jrtc27> it's a 10 year old compiler
<jrtc27> June 2014
<jrtc27> if you use 4.7.4, the final point release
<jrtc27> 4.7.0 was March *2012*
<jrtc27> even the Linux kernel is documented as requiring GCC 5.1+
<jrtc27> I really struggle to see how you can live in 2024 and only have access to GCC 4.7
<jrtc27> yet expect to be able to use other modern software
<sevan> C99 support was finalised in GCC v4.6
<heat> i don't see how hardware is an excuse not to use more modern GCCs
<heat> unless you use really niche targets like vax- or ia64- that sometimes rot/get removed
<jrtc27> gcc supported ia64 way past 4.7
<heat> yeah
<sevan> hardware will drive your ability to run modern compilers. if it takes a day+ to build the compiler before you get to build the thing you actually wanted is a bit of a detractor.
<sevan> but this is in a personal capacity, I guess there are neiche business scenarios where ancient systems are maintained but I'm not arguing for that.
<jrtc27> if it takes a day+ to build the compiler, why is that the machine you're using for your development
<sevan> because I can
<jrtc27> you can buy a not very new computer for peanuts and get better compile times than that...
<jrtc27> hell even the not very fast riscv dev boards out there like the unmatched build llvm in less than a day
<sevan> what makes you think I don't have shiny things too? :)
<jrtc27> either you take a day to build a modern compiler, or you waste many days having to hack software to be compatible with your antique environment
<jrtc27> and as time passes more and more software becomes incompatible, and fewer and fewer people will want to take any relevant fixes
<sevan> there's a practical use to building against the older compilers, it's a free reality check for requirements. With the new language standards added, the requirements from a code base get blured. So the expection is "should would with anything supporting c99" but reality is that you now have c11 feature dependency.
<sevan> jrtc27: and that's ok, but more cases than not, folks want to accept the patches
<sevan> s/should would/should work
<jrtc27> it's 2024, C11 should be a given, at least outside the Windows world where Microsoft were slow to adopt it (though even then I think it's been long enough since MSVC gained support for the core parts of it?)
<jrtc27> ditto C++14
<jrtc27> C17 and C++17 are borderline
<sevan> not when you reckon your code base in c99 based.
<muurkha> sdcc also fails to support even a lot of C99 stuff
* sevan looks up sdcc
<muurkha> it's the best compiler for, uh, the 8051
<muurkha> supposedly, anyway, I wouldn't know
<muurkha> yeah
<sevan> nice
<muurkha> also STM8, which is "not recommended for new designs"
<muurkha> it's what David Givens used to write CP/Mish for the Z80, but I think there are better compilers for the Z80 (which also don't support C99)
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<muurkha> also the 68HC08 but nobody cares about the 68HC08 anymore. there's still a significant number of 8051s being sold though. I don't know why
<bjdooks> you can still buy Z80 and 6502s
<bjdooks> possibly the same resaon as we still have clients who use FORTRAN
<muurkha> yeah, you can, but mostly people don't. though some TI calculators still use Z80s
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<muurkha> the Z8 seems to have more of a market than the Z80 (its C compiler also doesn't support C99)
<muurkha> avr-gcc is stuck on GCC 5.4.0 for whatever reason. lots more AVRs out there than anything else except maybe ARM
<bjdooks> I still use avrs for stuff where I want something I can breadboard
<muurkha> yeah, choosing AVR is more comprehensible to me than 8051
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<muurkha> well, maybe the PIC is as popular as the AVR. I don't know what Microchip's shitty C compiler supports but I doubt it's C99 either
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<muurkha> hopefully the WCH32V003 will blow away a lot of this cruft. it's cheaper than any AVR or PIC and it's RISC-V
<muurkha> the peripherals are clones of the STM8S003, which ST has, as I said, recommended people move off of
<muurkha> mostly! it also has an op-amp built in, which the ST chip doesn't
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<sevan> I've got an GCC 13.2 arm cross complier for my ppc mac, haven't built the risc-v one yet. Not played wth 8 bit microcontrollers but I have stm32 & the 2nd gen risc-v microcontroller
<muurkha> the AVR is pretty convenient; no wrestling with vendor toolchains or vendor libraries, all the I/O registers are properly documented, and timing is pretty deterministic (though interrupt latency can vary by a clock cycle)
<gurki> also ancient by 24 metrics
<muurkha> but you could do better. the in-system programming protocol requires four wires, six if you count power and ground
<muurkha> and they're pretty slow and power-hungry
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<muurkha> yeah, ancient is great, but I'd appreciate having more than 2K of RAM and more than 20 MIPS
<muurkha> and being able to run code from RAM
<gurki> i didnt mean that in a good way :>
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<muurkha> I know ;)
<muurkha> but it is a good thing
<muurkha> and the AVR doesn't need a lot of support circuitry. a lot of times you can just hook one up to USB power lines or a coin cell and let it gronk, without so much as a bypass capacitor
<muurkha> the WCH32V003 is also 5-volt tolerant according to the datasheet (in the 最大值 column it says 5.5 volts) but I don't have one here to test
<muurkha> they did eventually make an English datasheet for the thing too, I thought I had it here somewhere
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* sevan looks up WCH32V003
<sevan> "CH32V003 is an ultra-cheap RISC-V MCU with 2KB SRAM, 16KB flash, and up to 18 GPIOs that sells for under $0.10"
<muurkha> sorry, the actual part number is CH32V003, yes
<muurkha> it's not under US$0.10 anymore, the dollar has fallen against the renminbi since then
<sevan> :D
<muurkha> it's now 12.34¢
<muurkha> I think it doesn't have a hardware multiply so it's probably actually slower than an ATmega328 at DSPish stuff
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<muurkha> despite running at 20MHz instead of 48MHz. the CH32V003 doesn't use the standard RISC-V interrupt mechanism, instead doing its own FIQish thing, so it is probably faster at interrupt handling than the AVR
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<mwette> the thing about gcc-4.7 is that it can build gcc-13.2
<mwette> I use avr-gcc v 8.3, but I'm guessing gcc-13 can be compiled for avr
<sevan> I've had to resort to GCC 7 to build 13.2 since GCC 5.5 would generate something that the ancient linker would complain about on ancient OS X
<mwette> There was near-death experience when CC0 was removed from gcc, but that got done.
<mwette> for avr
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<sevan> found my hifix 1 rev b board.
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<sevan> s/hifix/hifive
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<muurkha> CC0?
<sevan> going back to a comment yesterday, in order to use the SiFive HiFive 1 Rev B with OpenOCD, I have to use a fork of OpenOCD? I see "interface/" in latest release of OpenOCD but nothing target/board related.
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<sorear> muurkha: it's some piece of generic code in gcc that was used by some architectures for condition code handling
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<mwette> CC0: you'd have to go to older gcc internals manual: now only CCmode is used:
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<sevan> If you run the Segger J-Flash utility, it'll detect a SiFive HiFive 1 board and offer a firmware update. Your device will then report itself as the BBC Dr Who HiFive Inventor Kit
<sevan> Downloading serial number file to emulator... - Connecting via USB to probe/ programmer device 0 - Updating firmware: J-Link OB-K22-SiFive compiled Nov 7 2022 16:21:52 - Replacing firmware: J-Link OB-K22-SiFive compiled Oct 30 2020 11:20:31
<sevan> "BBC Dr. Who HiFive Inventor Coding Kit website"
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