sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> having trouble getting bytefield-svg to build on nixos but the spec compiles fine except for the figures
<jrtc27> the whole riscv doc building stack has way too much webdev-y crap to it, it was annoying enough to get just the psabi doc building on my mac and that doesn't do anything fancy with plugins
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<jrtc27> there's some docker image so people can pretend it's not a mess
<jrtc27> if you're on an OS and architecture that can run the thing
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<sorear> is there more than one cheri slack? the one that got posted on the arch discussion issue tracker doesn't seem to have any recent arch discussions
<jrtc27> that's the public one
<jrtc27> we have our own group-wide private one
<jrtc27> most of the discussions leading up to this draft were either done on the cheri-architecture repo or in google meet calls with codasip people
<jrtc27> which unfortunately means a lot of the rationale behind why things are the way they are in it is missing
<jrtc27> including from my head, so when you ask interesting questions I need to think long and hard how we got to that...
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<sorear> switchable endianness CHERI
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<sorear> neat
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<sorear> Are there any other ISAs supported by binutils or llvm-mc where (a) a sequence of bytes can be interpreted in more than one way, (b) the intepretation state is likely to change within straight-line code [excluding thumb & micromips], (c) the disassembly is actually stateful [sh has statefully overloaded fadd.s and fadd.d opcodes but they're disassembled the same] ?
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