sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> jrtc27: i take it you've decided to stop fighting "pointer to riscv_hwprobe as ifunc argument"?
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<dh`> so I have kind of a dumb question that's about half off-topic, but I'm sure someone here can guide me
<dh`> I have inherited a freertos thing
<dh`> coming from big-kernel land I kind of expect kernels to be standalone, but this links freely against pieces of newlib
<dh`> which I guess is what newlib is for
<dh`> but... how should I think about the role of newlib here, especially when linking against both pieces of freertos and pieces of newlib that export the same semi-standard C headers?
<dh`> is the conclusion that the person who set it up this way was just being reckless, or is there a principled thing here I'm missing?
<[exa]> newlib is a bunch of low-level routines; if you have a use for them in a kernel there's no reason not to use the code for that purpose
<sorear> I think that freertos is less "OS" and more "sparkling bare-metal coroutine library" so it gets used more like a library. Not sure why you're having header conflicts
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<dh`> I'm having header conflicts because it's using a large pile of freertos addons that provide implementations of things from userland
<dh`> so e.g. there's a select() implementation in newlib and another one in one of these addons
<dh`> stuff like that
<ksbedfordjr> so are many of you using the licheepi4m ?
<dh`> and the root cause of most of that is that someone wanted to use a boost-adjacent C++ library on freertos
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<heat> hi, with regards to the Sstc/stimecmp extension, is it generally expected that the SBI calls will continue to be present and work?
<Esmil> Tenkawa: late reply, but I just updated my jh7110 branch with the latest PWM and PCI versions on v6.7
<jrtc27> sorear: no, I just don't follow libc-alpha, and naively assume that once I've stated my opinion that I won't have to keep doing it to new versions of patch series
<Tenkawa> Esmil: Thanks for the update. Tomorrow is a good day for me to start trying to update/testing :)
<jrtc27> also I loathe digging up emails from mailing lists to reply, it's 2024, email patch review still sucks for those that aren't in that world
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<dh`> these days is there such a thing as a 32-bit soft core with an mmu, that one would actually want to use?
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