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<Tenkawa> So.. has anyone got theirs hands on the beaglev-ahead yet and started doing anything much with it?
<Tenkawa> Ok.. looka like it was more readily available than I thought. let me do reading
<Tenkawa> er do some
<[exa]> wow not bad
<Tenkawa> Its a bit pricy.. but nice and small form factor
<another|> still no RVV 1.0
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<Tenkawa> Yeah I think its older wasn't it?
<Tenkawa> I saw reviews from back in June
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<palmer> pretty sure I have one, and someone around here (maybe Edwin) got it up and running
<Tenkawa> palmer: I'm trying to figure out what board to target next
<Tenkawa> Not looking to do anything too big... just want to try something other than a JH7110 and get some exposure to more of the architectural differences
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<palmer> the T-Head stuff has custom vector bits, support for it moving towards getting merged in GCC. There's still going to be a lot of testing/review/triaging to do, though, so if you're interested in compiler stuff that could be a good one?
<Tenkawa> I like compiler stuff (I was a build engineer on and off for 20 years)
<palmer> cool, could be fun then?
<Tenkawa> indeed
<Tenkawa> Its all a hobby for me now so I'm not picky lol
<palmer> they've got a huge extension set, so I'm sure there'll be all sorts of broken stuff to poke around inside
<Tenkawa> haahaa
<Tenkawa> Can try to revive my backtrace skillset from the 90's
* Tenkawa feels old
<Tenkawa> oh wait.. I am
<palmer> ;)
<palmer> good news is nothing's really changed...
<Tenkawa> except not using assembly as primary language right?
<Tenkawa> lol
<Tenkawa> I was
<palmer> OK, so I guess things have changed a bit then
<Tenkawa> I spent most of my career doing assembly and cobol
<palmer> well, I guess GCC isn't that far off then ;)
<Tenkawa> palmer: I was a business systems guy.. back office finance erp systems
<palmer> we've got a few folks like that around who ended up doing systems stuff these days, so far folks don't seem to have found the jump all that hard
<Tenkawa> Yeah.
<Tenkawa> I haven't talked to aurel32 or Esmil since I got back from the holidays. Who has the most recent/mainlined kernel tree right now for the JH7110?
<Tenkawa> I need to catchup my hardware over the next few days
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<palmer> I don't track the SOCs that closely, but the merge window opens next week so stuff is probably very much in flux right now. Maybe best to ask over in #debian-riscv or something? They're usually around
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<Tenkawa> Ok will do.. thanks
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