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<xypron> sevan: packages zfs-dkms and zfs-utils are available in Ubuntu 24.04 (and 23.10). Do they not work for you?
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<xypron> sevan: There seems to be a problem with the license: see
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<ardb> xypron: that workaround for flush_dcache_page() looks super dodgy
<ardb> fyi
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<ardb> ehm actually, ignore that
<muurkha> yay
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<cousteau> Damn, my IRC log got nuked back to February 2023. I really hate this IRC app...
<muurkha> condolences
<cousteau> So now I don't know who suggested me the SPEC benchmark... I think it was sorear but I'm not sure
<cousteau> Anyway... That link they shared seems to contain exclusively Intel Xeon and AMD Ryzen results. Not even an ARM, much less a RISC-V :(
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<muurkha> maybe check the Dhrystone list ;)
<muurkha> isn't the one I'm thinking of, but it does have some recentish machines
<muurkha> is maybe the one I'm thinking of, with old machines
<muurkha> has a 2.5 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz number for a HiFive Unmatched
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<cousteau> There's a Dhrystone list??
<cousteau> Thanks!
* cousteau takes a screenshot. I'm done with trusting this mobile irc client
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<geertu> cousteau: Dhrystone results depend a lot on compiler and optimization options
<geertu> There's also an in-kernel dhrystone test ;-)
<geertu> E.g. the U74 is starlight gave me only 1.8 DMIPS/MHz
<geertu> s/is/in/
<muurkha> geertu: ooh, really?
<muurkha> I feel like anything over 1.5 DMIPS/MHz is pretty respectable. 2.5 DMIPS/MHz is about 2 IPC, isn't it?
<Esmil> if those numbers depend on uncached memory access speed both the unmatched and jh7100 (starlight, visionfive v1) had some bugs in the memory controller that was much improved in the version of the core they put in the jh7110 (visionfive 2)
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<geertu> Esmil, nope cached memory
<geertu> muurkha: E.g. for Cortex-A15 I get 2.4 to 3.3 DMIPS/MHz, depending on gcc version and options like -Os or -O2)
<muurkha> sounds reasonable
<muurkha> Esmil: Dhrystone is from before the VAX, so it easily fits into cache
<muurkha> any sort of reasonable cache
<Esmil> i see. well that also shows how hard it is to make good benchmarks because it means the jh7110 feels considerably faster when just using the console
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<muurkha> yeah, benchmarking is hard
<cousteau> Specifically I was looking for Core-V cores
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<muurkha> has some Milk-V Pioneer benchmark results. It's a 64-core SOPHON SG2042
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<cousteau> muurkha: thanks!
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<muurkha> I don't know what Core-V cores are
<muurkha> oh, it's PULP! why didn't you just say so, cousteau?
<muurkha> Core-V is a terrible name. it's like x32: people are going to say "core V" sometimes by accident when they mean "[RISC-]V core"
<[exa]> muurkha: wow cool
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<muurkha> notes from camel-cdr about the difficulties they had with rvv benchmarking:
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<sevan> xypron: they do, but on a D1 it's a 4 hour build on every kernel update.
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<sevan> xypron: looks like the two changes needed for licensing issue have landed upsteam. Just a case of waiting for a new release or carrying the patches
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<ksbedfordjr> well how goes this am?
<ksbedfordjr> so what boards are you all using to devel with ?
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<A1ice> Does anyone use allwinner D1? Does its U-boot process require non-free blobs?
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<Stat_headcrabed> Seems not
<muurkha> yay!
<Stat_headcrabed> But d1 has tooooo much bugs
<Stat_headcrabed> Not recommend
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<sevan> 6.x kernels are a vast improvement for D1. no idea about the actually hardware bugs. Biggest issue with hardware on my d1 sbc is the realtek wifi driver.
<A1ice> I'm going to remove it directly
<sevan> the wifi driver?
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<A1ice> the wifi module lol
<sevan> ah :)
<sevan> A1ice: which D1 based board do you have?
<nelnire> /1
<A1ice> mqpro
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<sevan> I have the licheerv, but I think we both have the same wifi chipset
<xypron> A1ice: Ubuntu has a package u-boot-nezha which is open source only for the Nezha D1 and Lichee RV Dock.
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<xypron> A1ice: is the relevant upstream repo. Have a look at branch d1-wip.
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<conchuod> drewfustini: my take is that if you made contributions worth mentioning, give yourself a co-developed-by. If you didn't then I don't see the value in having them in the commit history.
<drewfustini> okay, thanks.
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