sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> heat: it's part of the ratified sbi spec so it has to still be there, yes. conceptually it's just providing a s-mode csr name for the same time comparator used by the sbi calls, you don't get two independent comparators
<jrtc27> sorear: I hadn't, and I don't know if I have the energy today to reply
<jrtc27> but it sure would be nice if someone could say "do we really want to irreversibly bake a linuxism into *the* ifunc ABI"
<jrtc27> non-linux will never have the same interface, and having two would be very sad
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<heat> sorear, gotcha, thanks :)
<jrtc27> I mean, it'd just be repeating what I said in anyway, there's nothing new there, and AFAICT nobody's countered it beyond "glibc's implementation would need tweaking to add the feature seen in freebsd"
<jrtc27> cc palmer I guess
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<muurkha> sorear: hmm, I didn't know that about very-high-speed ADCs, but it sure makes sense. thanks!
<muurkha> dh`: I don't think I've seen a 32-bit softcore with an MMU that you'd want to use
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<cousteau> I spy with my little eye a "riscv-b" repo... Is B going to be a thing again?
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<sorear> no "rev", no complex permuations, no ternaries
<davidlt> cousteau, from what I understand finally we would know what misa.B means, which would be Zba + Zbb + Zbs.
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<davidlt> and A would be Zaamo + Zalrsc
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<dh`> muurkha: that's what I thought, but a couple apparently exist now
<sorear> is Zbs actually useful?
<sorear> how would i know which 32 bit softcores with mmus dh`wants to use
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<sorear> is it just me or do the memory model operational semantics forbid fetching instructions after an unconditional jump, thus effectively forbidding a line-based instruction cache or instruction prefetching?
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<dh`> sorear: "use" in this case (as often) implies a certain degree of maturity/stability, iow, you can use the widget without having to spend time debugging it or coping with flakinesses
<dh`> re the semantics, happy to look at it, remind me this weekend if you want
<dh`> (but can't really before then)
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<drewfustini> conchuod:
<drewfustini> oops
<drewfustini> conchuod: i have a clk driver for th1520 from jisheng
<drewfustini> i'll post it today
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<drewfustini> there were some issues I was trying to work out with the emmc clock but it's gone on for too long
<drewfustini> so i will post what I currently have
<conchuod> drewfustini: 👍
<drewfustini> I just replied
<drewfustini> basically, I found it is not working for the emmc. The documentation is a bit confusing on that point and why the T-Head SDK just uses a fixed clock even though there is a clock driver in the SDK. I have not gotten any responses to my initial inquiries into t-head but I need to followup
<drewfustini> Anyways, no reason to not share what I currently have on the list as RFC
<drewfustini> it is timely for other people's work like Emil
<drewfustini> I'm hoping clk and ethernet might be able to make it into 6.9 so starting a thread with current clk driver is probably a good idea
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<drewfustini> Esmil: do you know if the Ubuntu kernel supports PCIe for the VF2?
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<Tenkawa> drewfustini: give me a few and I can tell you... I need to rebuild my box and I can use that Ubuntu image as the base. I'm going to be updating the kernel later but for now I can use it to test
<Tenkawa> Let me throw the Ubuntu server one on a sd and get booted up.
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<Tenkawa> drewfustini: just found it in the Ubuntu release notes:
<Tenkawa> USB and PCIe are not supported by the 6.2 kernel. and The 1.2A and 1.2B board revisions do not work with the 6.5 kernel.
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<Tenkawa> so that will be the two most relevant areas for you (checking what version the current image is now)
<Tenkawa> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 10 00:13 6.5.0-9-generic
<Tenkawa> I'm thinking that looks hopeful.. will know shortly
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<xypron> drewfustini: Yes, PCIe is enable on the VisionFive 2 since the Ubuntu 23.10 release. NVMe is working fine, extenal GPU not yet.
<drewfustini> Thanks!
<drewfustini> do you happen to know the trade-offs between and the canonical kernel?
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<Tenkawa> drewfustini: not sure if you saw it on the other channel but just discovered as I was testing... I have a crashed drive too
<Tenkawa> heh
<Tenkawa> Good thing I have plenty of spares...
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<Esmil> drewfustini: yes, i cherry picked the PCI patches a bit early for our Ubuntu risc-v kernel
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<Esmil> drewfustini: my jh7110 branch is the patches that I plan on merging into the ubuntu risc-v kernel
<drewfustini> thanks, so it may have more functionality than the current ubuntu risc-v kernel?
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<Esmil> yes, the pci patches are updated to the latest version and so are the pwm patches. i'm still debating if Keith's display system patches make sense to add since they don't really give a working console on HDMI for me
<Esmil> ..but they're in the jh7110 branch
<Esmil> i'm also hoping Jisheng will post an updated version of the MilkV Mars device tree
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<drewfustini> thanks for all the insightd
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<Tenkawa> Esmil: Linux vf2 6.7.0-vf2+ #1 SMP Tue Jan 9 18:16:19 EST 2024 riscv64 GNU/Linux
<Tenkawa> Had to do some reconstruction after my drive crash but its looking good so far