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<courmisch> anybody has tried OTG / gadget mode on the VF2?
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<drewfustini> Esmil: or anyone else, do you know if the PLDA PCIe controller for the JH7110 can distribute interrupts to all the cores?
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<sorear> it's not using a PLIC for interrupt distribution?
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<Tenkawa> this shows up in my dmesg
<Tenkawa> [ 0.000000] plic: interrupt-controller@c000000: mapped 136 interrupts with 4 handlers for 9 contexts.
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<Esmil> drewfustini: hmm.. you're right after letting my vf2 idle a bit and cat'ing /proc/interrupts it seems like all the interrupts are taken on cpu0
<Esmil> did you try setting the irq affinities?
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<drewfustini> Thanks, let me check
<Esmil> cat /proc/irq/{47,48,49,50,51,52}/smp_affinity returns f f 1 2 4 8, so it looks like they should be already spread out. yet they're all still taken on cpu0. i guess the driver still has room for improvement
<Esmil> (those are the nvmeXq interrupts)
<Esmil> *nvme0qX rather
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<Tenkawa> interesting
<Tenkawa> Esmil: I get f only
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<Tenkawa> ok I found a few diff.. checking what procs they are
<Esmil> i happened to have booted this board on archlinux. i wonder if the archlinux udev rules has some logic to spread the irqs out
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<Tenkawa> I found 4 irqs with different affinity
<Tenkawa> out of 60
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<sorear> what's the problem that you're hoping to solve by sending interrupts to all the cores?
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<Tenkawa> sorear: agreed.. I haven't seen any interrupt conflicts (as of yet)
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<drewfustini> Not a problem per se. I was just curious if it was capable of spreading it out.
<drewfustini> Thanks for the feedback Tenkawa and Esmil. I'm thinking about trying the latest PLDA patches from linux-riscv to see if there is a difference
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<hightower2> Hey for Beagleboard Ahead, can I somehow boot the Linux install from USB and install like a normal machine, or I really must flash the image onto internal storage?
<Tenkawa> hightower2: it has a microsd on it right?
<hightower2> it does, yes (in addition to internal storage)
<Tenkawa> You should be able to chainload a usb root with a microsd boot
<Tenkawa> I do it with my XFS root filesystems now
<Tenkawa> on other sbcs
<hightower2> or if it would automatically prefer microsd boot, I could put the installer onto that?
<hightower2> (directly)
<hightower2> lemme try
<hightower2> nah still boots internal first. I just need a way to boot anything other than internal storage
<hightower2> there are SD and USB buttons, I'm gonna try with SD. This thread mentions someone got it to work, followed by reports that it doesn't. Strange
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<drewfustini> hightower2: the trouble with booting the ahead from SD is due to thead's u-boot spl. I believe what would work is using the U-Boot SPL -> OpenSBI -> U-Boot from the eMMC and then have it boot from the SD card.
<drewfustini> the trouble with booting the ahead from _directly_ SD is due to thead's u-boot spl.
<Tenkawa> drewfustini: yeah even in the arm world we recompile u-boot quite often to change the boot order
<Tenkawa> (and sometimes just to add options/settings)
<hightower2> yeah I realized that this isn't a normal thing where I'd just boot... and even then there's image only for yocto and ubuntu
<hightower2> bottom line, not a gadget I'm gonna waste my time on
<hightower2> thanks for comments/input
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<palmer> is anyone else seeing some spinlock magic BUGs? Mine started last night, backtrace shows sbi_ipi_init()
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<Tenkawa> palmer: which unit?
<khem> boot order could be a u-boot env thing. why recompile ?
<Tenkawa> khem: that's my point... we had a vendor that built their u-boot to boot onboard emmc - microsd
<Tenkawa> a bit of a problem when the emmc crashes/etc
<Tenkawa> (with no access to reset it or the spi)
<Tenkawa> I never said this was a "good scenario"
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<palmer> Tenkawa: Linux
<Tenkawa> palmer: no I meant which piece of hardware
<palmer> just QEMU
<palmer> the testing I do is all QEMU-based, at least for the pre-merge stuff
<Tenkawa> My VF2 with 6.7 has been clean
<Tenkawa> Still haven't got enough contigous time to try to convert the Star64 yet
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<palmer> the happened post-6.7
<Tenkawa> you testing git changes? 6.7 is the latest released kernel
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<palmer> ya, I test git changes ;)
<Tenkawa> Ah.. yeah it might've broke there then
<Tenkawa> I could update and test here
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<khem> palmer: I should add your tree to my CI for vf2, we can spin full images and run yocto ptests
<drewfustini> Esmil: I see similar to what you did in /proc/irq. I have ubuntu 23.10 on vf2 with nvme. smp_affinity is 0xf for all the PCIe interrupts other than nvme0q{1-4}, yet, all the interrupts are serviced by cpu0.
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<Esmil> drewfustini: the kernel i had booted earlier was my jh7110 branch with Minda's latest pci patches
<drewfustini> Ah okay, so it seems it is lacking that functionality to spread the interrupts across cpus
<palmer> khem: ya, if you've got something for CI that'd be awesome
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