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<xypron> Both eMMC and SD card are scanned. The .itb must be on partition 2. See configuration.
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<xypron> drewfustini: Do you have eMMC installed?
<xypron> drewfustini: Which version of U-Boot are you using?
<xypron> We have a preinstalled image if you want to run from SD card. The installer is meant for installation on a different block device. It cannot install to the boot medium.
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<xypron> I have updated the wiki to use 'load mmc 1:1' in the instructions.
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<yae> What are ways a newbie programmer can contribute/get familiar with the RISCV architecture and ecosystem?
<muurkha> programming
<muurkha> sorry, I shouldn't say anything on this topic.
<yae> what?
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<muurkha> I mean I don't know very much about teaching, and I don't remember what it's like to be a newbie programmer.
<gurki> yae: getting some code to run in a simulator (such as eg spike) should already cover a bunch of things
<gurki> bonus points if you get the debugger to work :)
<gurki> have a look at the asm output, compare it with the asm output of plain x86 gcc
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<[exa]> yae: tbh, try to get some of your stuff running on any riscv hardware/vms, and if it doesn't work, writing a small fix or just reasonable bugreport helps a lot
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<rbmarliere> yae: theres some good free resources in eDX from the linux foundation
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<chripo> +2
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<drewfustini> xypron: thanks for information. Those are good questions. The U-Boot was the most recent from Starfive. I'll check about the emmc. I'm getting the board today from my friend so I can try it myself.
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<xypron> drewfustini: Debian already has a package u-boot-starfive in experimental. We should soon see it in Ubuntu Noble 24.04.
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<courmisch> how does that even work? does it come with a custom SPL that needs to be manually flashing to SPI?
<mps> courmisch: sorry to jumping in but I made this
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<courmisch> mps: so the answer is yes, it needs manual SPI flashing
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<mps> yes, I did it many times when tested mainline u-boot with visionfive v2
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<courmisch> it feels like a case of cart before horse to provide u-boot before the kernel
<courmisch> at least I can't see a starfive kernel in current Debian
<bjdooks> work just got a milkv
<courmisch> or did they patch the main kernel image to support VF2?
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<cousteau> Hi, is there any website that compares benchmarks of different processors? Some googling only yielded a site that compares an obscure PassMark benchmark which I have never heard of before
<cousteau> Seems spammy
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<sorear> depends on the benchmark i think
<cousteau> Well yeah, at this point I'd be happy with "a benchmark"
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<cousteau> Thanks! Does that include RISC-V processors?
<cousteau> Will have a look tomorrow
<sorear> no, and only a couple of arm
<sorear> the official CoreMark page has submissions from Andes and StarFive
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<palmer> courmisch: looks like there's some Phoronix results for RISC-V processors, though I don't really put much stock in Phoronix...
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<palmer> (oops, that was four cousteau
<Tenkawa> palmer: too bad any gpus are still light years behind
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<palmer> if I'm reading those Phoronix numbers right, CPUs are light years behind as well ;)
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<cousteau> palmer: thanks!
<Tenkawa> palmer: I'm not too disappointed yet... when the RPI soc started out the cpu was nominal
<Tenkawa> but it accelerated quickly
<Tenkawa> but it did have major backing
<cousteau> sorear: yeah I did find the ones at CoreMark once I remembered the website. Not much there though
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<cousteau> One thing I considered was making some sort of framework for doing these comparisons theoretically
<cousteau> Like, get the RTL of example implementations of both an ARM and a RISC-V, synthesize them into a netlist, and calculate the approx area (resources) and max frequency (logic levels)
<cousteau> Then use cycle-accurate simulations to run a benchmark
<gurki> synthesized netlists might bot relate well enough to chip area
<gurki> they are more of a ballpark
<gurki> not*
<cousteau> Energy consumption might be interesting too but harder to figure out, maybe too hard
<gurki> youd also typically provide that timing info to the tool and itll try to make it happen
<cousteau> Wouldn't that only matter when routing, mostly?
<gurki> routing might require more additions
<gurki> but its already quite relevant for synthesis
<gurki> you can save area if you give slack on timings
<cousteau> I don't think I'll consider routing at all in this idea of mine...
<gurki> itll also strongly depend on the pdk :3
<gurki> your idea requires a fair share of tinkering
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<cousteau> gurki: for example? One thing I did think of is that if cell A connects to cells B and C, but B is far away in this direction and C is far away in that direction, it may make sense to duplicate the path, adding redundant duplicate logic just to split the path into two
<cousteau> But that only makes sense when placing
<cousteau> Also... my ASIC fu(*) is a bit rusty, but aren't timing constraints only used AFTER synthesis (RTL to netlist)?
<gurki> depending on how fast your alu is supposed to be youll need a different level of sophistication in your adder trees
<gurki> even more so for division
* cousteau (*) I touched Cadence tools ONCE, like 2 years ago, and have forgotten pretty much all of it, which was very little to begin with
<cousteau> Fair enough
<gurki> youll provide timings to both the synthesis and the pnr tool
<cousteau> Just today I've been trying to figure out how to optimize an adder
<gurki> heh :)
<gurki> the stuff eg dc shell does is pretty mindblowing
<cousteau> Yeah that doesn't happen with FPGAs, which are more like my field
<cousteau> Or not enough to be necessary, at least
<gurki> im more of an asic person bud id expect them to do similar magic
<gurki> its obv more limited
<gurki> you cant just place that magic dw block
<cousteau> But... I think my idea for estimating number of logic levels can give a good approximation
<cousteau> Or just speed directly
<cousteau> At least for a comparison between two platforms
<cousteau> For example, some Core-V cores and, uh, an ARMv2 which if I recall correctly was the last one with a disclosed source [verification needed]
<gurki> you can get access to a lot of these with appropriate ndas
<gurki> youll need good reasons though
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<cousteau> Is "I want to prove that your shitty commercial closed-source core sucks and that RISC-V is way better" a good reason? :) yeah I didn't think so either
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* cousteau tries to think of a list of freely available cores for his possible test... In addition to RV and OpenSPARC, I just found out that Cortex M0 and M3 are available too!
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<cousteau> Oh and Power ISA too
<cousteau> The main problems with my idea are that neither the benchmarks nor the methodology for estimating the theoretical area and speed are going to be accurate
<cousteau> Like, what benchmark do I use? CoreMark? Dhrystone? One of the other bazillion ones? Is there even a benchmark that is considered "good" and widely accepted?
<jrtc27> spec
<jrtc27> the least bad these days
<jrtc27> coremark is a waste of time for most purposes
<jrtc27> it fits entirely in a modern L1 cache
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<muurkha> cousteau: oh hey, Cortex-M0 and M3? that's fantastic! where?
<muurkha> jrtc27: anything that doesn't fit entirely in the modern L1 cache of a big processor won't fit in the entire RAM of most processors
<cousteau> jrtc27: yeah my impression was that Coremark does a fine job at advertising itself and not much more
<jrtc27> muurkha: the lesson here is that there is no one size fits all benchmark that can range from microcontrollers to big iron
<cousteau> muurkha: no idea, I just found it in Google. From 2018. Also probably not RTL, just "here use this netlist, for free"
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<muurkha> jrtc27: that is an excellent lesson
<muurkha> cousteau: all I can find is which doesn't cover the M0 and doesn't seem to have links to Verilog. for the M3 (Xilinx only) it leads me to which requests me to log in
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<cousteau> "However, you can instantiate a cortex m0 or m3 for free from arm:" - hey, not my fault the comment had a typo :/
<cousteau> So yeah ir was M1, not M0
<cousteau> And ARM requires logins for downloading everything, yeah...
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<sorear> we can kind of tell from the name that it is not MemoryHierarchyMark
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