sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<courmisch> FOSDEM is only half a day! no wonder my talk did not meet the bar
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<Tenkawa> Where is FOSDEM held?
<Tenkawa> (I've heard of it but I can't remember offhand)
<heat_> brussels
<Tenkawa> Ah.. too bad its this of year.. I was fairly close 2 months ago
<Tenkawa> I missed out on quite a few events aross Europe
<courmisch> I mean, it's literally always the first weekend of February in Ixelles, Belgium
<Tenkawa> We will be back in Europe I'm sure this year from the looks of it... just not sure when yet.
<courmisch> RISC-V Summit is on midsummer in Munich
<Tenkawa> Oh really.. I will definitely have to keep an eye on that
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