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<jrtc27> jfsimon: it varies based on the immediate
<jrtc27> LLVM will apply a bunch of rules to determine what it thinks is the "best" sequence
<jrtc27> on RV32 it's pretty simple because lui+addi does everything you need, so the only question is whether you can do it in one instruction (or multiple compressed instructions)
<jrtc27> on RV64 it's a lot more complicated
<jfsimon> indeed i saw thanks, playing a bit with compiler to check how they make the pseudo to instruction
<jrtc27> e.g. LLVM takes advantage of the various SHxADD instructions from Zba(?) if present and useful
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<courmisch> Say I need to load 64-bit blobs at regular interval. If the base adress and stride are multiple of 8, I can use vlse64.v.
<courmisch> But is there any remotely practical way to do it if not aligned? if I manually break it down into a series of vle8.v/add, it only occupies the bottom half (or less) of each vector :/
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<dzaima[m]> courmisch: as I'd imagine that a strided load would perform about the same as an indexed load (except maybe for strides of 1/0/-1) for the same element size, you could also use vluxei16.v and arrange the bytes as you like. If the base isn't aligned but the stride is still a multiple of 8 bytes, it's probably be better to manually blend together two manually-aligned vlse64.v-s
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<courmisch> dzaima[m]: so VLSE64 twice then VSLL, VSRL and VOR ? I guess that could work
<dzaima[m]> yeah
<courmisch> at least should be faster than VLUXEIE8
<dzaima[m]> right
<courmisch> thx, lets see
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<obrut> hi... do not own any risc-v machine yet, so I cannot check... what does 'uname -m' on linux returns for 64bit risc-v machine ? "riscv64" ?
<courmisch> yes
<obrut> thanx :)
<mps> iirc qemu and qemu-user also returns same
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<muurkha> jfsimon: hmm, I feel like lui;addi;slli;addi is probably less efficient than just auipc;lw
<muurkha> with a constant pool
<muurkha> and lui;addi;slli;addi only gives you 44 bits; if you need more than that you need a longer sequence without a constant pool
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<jfsimon> Ok
<jfsimon> I just saw it from the compiler output disassembly
<muurkha> yeah, not saying it's your fault :)
<muurkha> but if you're writing RISC-V assembly code, it's a possibility to keep in mind
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