sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<courmisch> doed Sv support userspace execute-only memory?
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<jrtc27> if they really do mean IPC, that's a meaningless figure, and a RISC architecture really should have a higher IPC than a CISC one
<jrtc27> but I can't read the characters in the images so have no clue what the benchmark graphs actually say for units
<jrtc27> also, those are some old x86 chips, quite a few significant generational improvements since then
<another|> 4y old Intel
<another|> Not too old
<jrtc27> 10th gen intel
<another|> Yep
<jrtc27> 4 generations old
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<another|> Didn't they release 1 gen/year?
<another|> Thought they did; might be wrong on this
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<jrtc27> over a period of a year
<jrtc27> the i3-10100F compared against in that article was at the tail end of Comet Lake's products
<another|> Oh, didn't realize it was an i3. Still, having a homegrown i3 from a few years ago is not bad given the time
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<muurkha> another|: Loongson has been building their own CPUs for many years, since before RISC-V I think
<another|> Shows what I know :/
<muurkha> not quite, apparently they started in 02010
<muurkha> well, I guess the Godson project started before that
<muurkha> WP says, "In 2007, a deal was reached by MIPS Technologies and ICT. STMicroelectronics bought a MIPS license for Loongson, and thus the processor can be promoted as MIPS-based or MIPS-compatible"
<muurkha> 02010 is when they became a company instead of a university project
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<courmisch> \o/ my Kendryte K230 reached local customs
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<drewfustini> Esmil: is there a branch based on mainline with the most recent jh7100 support?
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<drewfustini> Thanks!
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<courmisch> anyone knows why the ccABI says that integers are extended to 32 bits according to their type signedness, then sign-extended to XLEN bits ?
<courmisch> isn't that the same as saying that 8- and 16-bit are extended according to their type, and 32-bit (and 64-bit on RV128) are sign-extended?
<palmer> courmisch: it's what things like addw do. I think you're correct about those two wordings being equivalent, though I'd have to think a bit more (and there's some tricky stuff now like _BitInteger, but IIRC we don't actually have an ABI for that)
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<unlord> courmisch: woah, I just checked and my Kendryte K230 just landed in the port of destination
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<courmisch> oh, you don't have customs?
<courmisch> sure saw that 24% VAT coming. What I didn't see coming was the extra 3.10€ custom processing fee from the post office
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<unlord> courmisch: I'm sure we have customs, this just says it crossed the Pacific
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<muurkha> courmisch: what percentage does the 3.10€ work out to?
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