sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<conchuod> jrtc27: have you been following the tech-brs github thread about the acpi via dt stuff?
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<jrtc27> no
<conchuod> Well, there is one :)
<conchuod> Might be worth a non-linux person commenting on it, but prob worth you at least keeping an eye /shrug
<jrtc27> which thread?
<jrtc27> TIL LBBR is a thing :(
<jrtc27> that doesn't really help FreeBSD, since its loader is built for EFI boot services
<jrtc27> and skipping the loader means you lose a whole bunch of important features (e.g. ZFS boot environment stuff is done in the loader)
<jrtc27> so if you want a loader for LBBR you need to build it as a Linux binary
<jrtc27> which is clearly perverse as a "standard"
<jrtc27> but at least it mandates some semblance of UEFI RS, I guess
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