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<Stat_headcrabed> Question: how do we deal with c906/910’s non-standard float point implementation in mainline kernel?
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<smaeul> pretend it's standard and hope for the best?
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<courmisch> muurkha: 3.1€ is a flat fee for custom processing. 24% added to 14€ and then some
<courmisch> Stat_headcrabed: what's nonstandard about it? some CSRs?
<Stat_headcrabed> courmisch: lack interrupts
<courmisch> ah
<courmisch> what would the kernel do about it, it seems a userspace problem that kernel can't really deal'with
<courmisch> I mean short of turning the FPU off and forcing userspace to do soft float
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<courmisch> would the kernel be amenable to a syscall (prctl?) to turn V *off*? I'd like to force a SIGILL to trap and emulate different vector lengths...
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<palmer> courmisch: there should be one already
<palmer> PR_RISCV_V_{SET,GET}_VS
<palmer> looks like we forgot to document it, though ;)
<palmer> oh, no, it's in the vector doc
<sevan> does the EFI volume always need to be mounted via fstab on Ubuntu? had a powercut due to a blown fuse and riscv sbc wouldn't boot until the EFI (fat) partition was fsck'd.
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<jrtc27> only if you want to be able to write to it
<jrtc27> or read
<jrtc27> i.e. probably only if you're running apt upgrade
<jrtc27> odd it needed a fsck though, I wouldn't expect it to be at all dirty in normal operation...
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<courmisch> palmer: okay, thanks
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<sevan> jrtc27: it's mounted rw. default fstab entry "LABEL=UEFI /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1"
<jrtc27> yeah but nothing should actually be writing to it
<jrtc27> normally
<jrtc27> so why would it need a fsck?
<sevan> fat is fragile, if you don't unmount, fs is marked dirty and it causes problems.
<sevan> not riscv specific, just a terrible FS
<courmisch> it's easy to implement and supported by all bootloaders under the sun though
<courmisch> not sure you can even use anything else for EFI
* courmisch is loosing hope of riscv_hwprobe in glibc
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<sevan> courmisch: I was hoping that folks who are building this stuff would avoid the fstab entry.
<sevan> the war on replacing EFI with Open Firmware can start later.
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<courmisch> anyone looked at the K230 SDK? Do you need to rebuild the firmware yourself? I couldn't find images, but then again I can't read Chinese
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<Esmil> sevan: if you're feeling adventurous you can try adding x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=2min to the options in your fstab
<Esmil> This way it should be mounted when something tries to access /boot/efi and unmounted if idle for >= 2min
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<Esmil> sevan: oh and noauto too
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<sevan> Esmil: thanks, so it won't auto mount by default, but if something tries to access /boot/efi, systemd-automounter will intervene and then unmount if nothing has touched that path in 2minutes?
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<Esmil> exactly
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<sevan> Esmil: that works, it automounts/unmounts the fs. only thing is that FS permission is 700 for /boot/efi. Should be an issue as I don't need to touch it as a user and updates via apt are done as root anyway.
<sevan> derp, I meant to say that the permission is *now* 700 for /boot/efi. Should *not* be an issue
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<Esmil> sevan: yeah, if you're worried about the permissions of the underlying directory, you can mkdir copy-of-root; mount --bind / copy-of-root; chmod 0755 copy-of-root/boot/efi; umount copy-of-root
<Esmil> ..but if it's after the filesystem is mounted you probably need to add some more vfat-specific mount options
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<sevan> Esmil: it is after the file system is mounted. No worries, I'll leave it as is. Thanks for the pointer.
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