sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<muurkha> somlo: it might be possible to know with X-ray microscopy but it certainly isn't easy
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<knielsen> Scan chains does give a lot of visibility into every gate in the chip, I'm not sure how easy it would be to change the functionality at foundary without it being visible during scan testing?
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<gurki> very
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<sorear> find some empty space, stick in an N-bit comparator that fires if some register has a password
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<[exa]> knielsen: you can do rare but regular randomly sampled tests to "verify" the foundry in the long term
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<geertu> conchuod: Oops, no ;-)
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<conchuod> geertu: at least the one in the cover letter had no typo
<conchuod> So it still made it to the list
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<geertu> conchuod: How do you manage to put different addresses in cover letters?
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<clemens3> sorear: #riscv-offtopic is empty, so what's that for a joke?
<clemens3> two people there, exactly the once who want to kill a conversation here?
<conchuod> One was typed by hand, the other came from the existing branch description
<muurkha> knielsen: it would be very easy, especially if the new functionality doesn't have to be reliable
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<muurkha> discussion of ECALL on Character Assassination News today:
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<courmisch> I don't really get why Armv8 has a call instruction for every (target) privilege level... but then they are anyway not allowed to work, because it wouldn't do to bypass one layer of privileges
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<muurkha> haha
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<flyback-> heh
<flyback-> mark rubio is such an idiot
<courmisch> shocking news flash
<flyback-> I wish members in my party would take a technology course before opening their mouth
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<muurkha> his problem isn't that he doesn't understand technology; it's that he thinks the US is at war with China
<muurkha> similar to the US politics that resulted in my friend getting raped by the police when we had our US-backed dictatorship. and, sorry, jrtc27, I understand it's a pretty unpleasant thing to talk about, but from my point of view less people getting raped by the police in dictatorships is the major reason RISC-V matters
<muurkha> we can't defend fundamental human rights like privacy and sexual integrity in an environment with excessive centralization of power
<muurkha> RISC-V is an important factor in preventing that excessive centralization, which is precisely why Mark Rubio wants to stop it
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<jrtc27> rape is off-topic for #riscv
<jrtc27> period
<geertu> Wait until they find out about Linux. Or if they don't use Linux, where their iPhone is assembled...
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<flyback-> love wsl
<flyback-> wsl owns your "canuck"
* flyback- bodyslams the nearest canadian in the channel
<flyback-> so...
<flyback-> what's the smallest risc core right now
<flyback-> mmuless is fine
<flyback-> I can defintely see why seagate and wd jumped on this, not just to save arm licencing costs
<flyback-> but I think this is one of these times were adding oddball features to the cpu would be useful for things like hdd and sdd
<flyback-> arm only allows so much customization
<flyback-> heh carefish is here
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<[exa]> flyback-: smallest core or smallest physically realized core?
<[exa]> github is full of tiny RV32I cores
<flyback-> ok
<flyback-> I was just curious, thx
<flyback-> hmm I think that's the one they used in the pinecil
<[exa]> this might be good for playing around
<flyback-> it's started to change in the last 5-10 yrs
<flyback-> but the amount of dumb s*** I have seen in appliances in no brains cause of concern about microcontroller cost etc
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<flyback-> +heading home, thx for the info
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