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<khem> palmer: is 5.4 mimimum stable ABI for rv32 ?
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<cousteau> The documents in don't say they're in version 2023-10-02, shouldn't they?
<cousteau> Unpriv says it's revision 20230723, and priv says 20211203
<cousteau> Preface of priv: [Preface] ...This release, version 20211203, contains... [Preface to Version 20211203] ...This release, version 20211203, contains...
<cousteau> (each of those subsection contain different stuff)
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<palmer> khem: IIRC that's the first stable uABI release for rv32, but it's been a while. There should be some thread about the exact commits with the musl guy
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<cousteau> Sorry, my IRC is unreliable. Did anyone reply
<cousteau> ?
<palmer> cousteau: you mean about the doc versioning thing you said? I don't see any replies either, my guess is nobody cares that much (versioning is a mess everywhere at RVI)
<cousteau> OK, thanks :)
<cousteau> Another thing, what's the status of the B extension? The latest ISA manual draft continues saying B is in version 0.0 and that it is a placeholder chapter, but my understanding is that it is frozen / ratified and hosted somewhere else. Should that chapter make a reference to that? As in the chapter for the V extension.
<cousteau> I'm trying to get info on the status of the various extensions, but most of it is hosted in Google Drive and we have access to that blocked by company policy
<cousteau> (I could use my personal laptop to access those, but using my personal laptop to do company work is against personal policy)
<palmer> B got split into a handful of sub-extensions (Zba, Zbb, Zbc, and Zbs), they got ratified
<cousteau> Oh I see. I thought B was considered as the set of all those sub-extensions.
<palmer> I don't think that's in the ISA anywhere, some people just still call it B because that's what it used to be called
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<wmat> cousteau: if you're interested in a version of the Unprivileged ISA spec with Bitmanip integrated as a chapter, the riscv-isa-manual repository has a branch called bitmanip that is exactly that. The integration is currently in review as a PR but should be merged soon.
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<muurkha> wmat: nice
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<dinklebink> Selaam
<dinklebink> Does anyone here have a VisionFive 2? I'm trying to get it working and I'm running into a few issues
<courmisch> quite a few people,
<bjdooks> I have but it's a desk ornament at the moment
<courmisch> mine's the sole RISC-V automatic test bot for FFmpeg
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<wmat> dinklebink: I'd recommend the StarFice forum here
<dinklebink> wmat, is it okay if I ask a quick question in here?
<wmat> of course
<dinklebink> It's just booting, apparently there's something about a green LED should be blinking when you turn it on, I burned the Debian image onto an SD the way the quick start guide recommends, I plug in the HDMI cord, the keyboard/mouse, and the power, and all I get is a solid red LED on
<dinklebink> nothing, it doesn't seem to be booting properly
<courmisch> did you set the jumpers to boot off SD?
<dinklebink> the dip switches? I tried all four positions
<courmisch> check the SD card content from another device
<courmisch> it should have 3 GPT partitions IIRC
<courmisch> also check the wattage on your power supply
<dinklebink> it's probably the power supply, I'm just using a phone charger, but I thought if the power supply was wrong I wouldn't even get the red LED
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<courmisch> and if all else fails, check the serial port from the GPIO header
<wmat> I seem to recall something about ensuring the firmware on the board is the latest in order to boot the latest debian image
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<dinklebink> wmat, that's true I think, but I don't know how to do that
<dinklebink> I don't know what to do with IO headers
<courmisch> the firmware is updated from Linux, so if that's the issue, you need to download and flash an older Linux image
<courmisch> I suppose you can also cold flash but no clue how
<Tenkawa> You can also follow this document
<Tenkawa> using
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<Tenkawa> the sdcard.img image from here
<Tenkawa> did both links come through? I accidently closed the client mid paste?
<Tenkawa> s/paste?/paste.
<Tenkawa> I've used this documet to update my VF2 and my Star64 several times for microsd standalone, tftp, and flashcp updates once I had a NVMe system built
<Tenkawa> s/documet/document
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<mwette> I see two links rvspace and github
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<Tenkawa> yes
<Tenkawa> the first link is the instructions... the second link are the files
<Tenkawa> They release new updates periodcly for the SBI and firmware
<donklebonk> Tenkawa, I found this quickstart guide
<donklebonk> I'm trying to figure it out
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<Tenkawa> donklebonk: if you go to that releases page get the sdcard.img file, write it to a microsd card... mount it then download and put the two files from the following commands also on the releases page
<Tenkawa> flashcp -v u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out /dev/mtd0
<Tenkawa> flashcp -v visionfive2_fw_payload.img /dev/mtd1
<Tenkawa> if you boot up on that microsd card and run those as root with those files thats how you update the onboard firmware
<Tenkawa> (The easy way)
<donklebonk> I'm on Windows rn
<Tenkawa> etcher and a linux vm?
<Tenkawa> either that or you need to setup tftp
<Tenkawa> and bootp
<Tenkawa> if you etcher a microsd and have a ethernet cable that can get you the files you need on the card
<Tenkawa> just boot up on it on the lan
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<mps> Tenkawa: what kernel you use on VF2
<Tenkawa> 6.5.5
<mps> which patches?
<Tenkawa> Checking (Not sure if I started with Aurel's or Esmil's base)
<Tenkawa> yeah
<Tenkawa> jh7110-6.5.y
<Tenkawa> on aurel's
<Tenkawa> And I added more patches to it
<Tenkawa> to advance the 6.5 version
<courmisch> I had a dream that PCI-E worked with a 6.x kernel
<Tenkawa> courmisch: it dies
<Tenkawa> er does
<mps> yes
<Tenkawa> 0001:01:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd NVMe SSD Controller SM981/PM981/PM983
<courmisch> and it doesn't stall every minute?
<Tenkawa> I'm running my NVMe off the pci-e
<Tenkawa> nope
<Tenkawa> runs great
<courmisch> when did that happen
<mps> Tenkawa: I can confirm
<Tenkawa> about 3 firmware revs ago
<mps> courmisch: could be power supply issue
<courmisch> mps: power supply that works with vendor 5.15 but not with upstream kernel?
<Tenkawa> It worked for me even before but like mps said I had great power the whole time
<Tenkawa> courmisch: yes
<Tenkawa> courmisch: common problem in arm64 sbcs
<courmisch> well then that means upstream kernel it doesn't work
<mps> courmisch: strange as it sounds, but I had problems with newer and power supply for chromebook
<Tenkawa> mps: were they PD ones by chance?
<mps> Tenkawa: chromebooks power?
<mps> yes, they are PD
<Tenkawa> Yeah
<courmisch> if upstream kernel doesn't make the hardware work where vendor kernel does, then that's not working in my book
<mps> actually it works very fine but not when nvme is plugged
<Tenkawa> the PD power supplies seem to be big culprit nowadays
<courmisch> yeah well, sure it works with eMMC but no thanks
<Tenkawa> Yeah.. I've ditched eMMC....
<mps> Tenkawa: only apple silicon power supply worked with nvme
<Tenkawa> mps: ouch
<Tenkawa> but they do have some of the best PD supplies...I'm not surprised
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<mps> and power supply which come with board, ofc
<courmisch> I'm not going to argue that the hardware power supply is not kinda broken, or even maybe that all the different USB adapters that I've tried are not very good
<courmisch> but if the vendor kernel gets it working then that means the upstream kernel is missing something
<Tenkawa> courmisch: that happened in almost every arm vendor kernel vs mainstram so I'm not surprised its happening here
<mps> I didn't used vendor kernel at all so don't know how it works with different power supplies
<Tenkawa> We fought this on the arm64 constantly
<Tenkawa> Especially with Rockchip and Amlogic
<courmisch> Tenkawa: I'm not arguing otherwise. I'm just saying that AFAICT, NVMe still doesn't work with any kernel other than vendor 5.15
<Tenkawa> courmisch: I know plenty of people who would disagree
<Tenkawa> I think "you" have a potentially bad unit/setup
<courmisch> the same people that Torvalds would tell that the kernel is there to make the hardware work?
<courmisch> clearly the vendor kernel does *something* that makes it work. Maybe it's a horrible hack but it works
<mps> courmisch: I don't want to say that in you case it doesn't work, but in my case kernel 6.4 and 6.5 works fine on nvme
<Tenkawa> courmisch: you have multiple people telling you right now that its working (and I have multiple "types" of devices and drives) and I know several others also running it as well including OpenBSD and FreeBSD now on NVMe
<jrtc27> FreeBSD doesn't run on the JH7110
<jrtc27> I don't have time to write drivers
<courmisch> a couple weeks ago, on this same channel, I had people telling that it still doesn't work / never worked
<jrtc27> and there's a *crazy* amount of glue code needed for it
<jrtc27> at risk of awakening some people, it's times like this I really wish RISC-V had already adopted ACPI
<Tenkawa> jrtc27: not according to some information I received 2 days ago... just because its not "official" doesn't mean it doesn't work btw....
<Tenkawa> jrtc27: not a good response to get people to show interest btw
<jrtc27> I was not aware la_mettrie had working PCIe drivers, that surprises me, I thought they were further off that
<jrtc27> I am aware of their work
<jrtc27> if things are that far along it would be nice to get some of the core patches up for review
<Tenkawa> OpenBSD apparently has/had 2 forks going...
<jrtc27> I know OpenBSD has support
<Tenkawa> Only one seems active though
<jrtc27> they have some in-tree starfive drivers
<jrtc27> and have done for a while
<mps> looks like it works to some degree
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<mps> at least serial console
<Tenkawa> Yeah its got next to nothing working but its a start
<Tenkawa> Being able to boot is huge
<jrtc27> I mean, yes, the firmware sets up enough that an in-memory filesystem can boot and give you a root shell
<jrtc27> that doesn't need any drivers beyond a UART, which is just a slightly-quirky 16550 or similar
<Tenkawa> Yes but at that point you can get debug to start building hooking code to start porting the rest
<jrtc27> if you want to do anything useful you need piles clock and power control goop thanks to the banks and banks of control registers on the SoC, and then drivers for the actual devices
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<jrtc27> and if openbsd's already done the work for those then great, adapting those is likely the shortest path to something that works reliably
<Tenkawa> jrtc27: Yeah I was going to say it had to be abstracted for openbsd to give them their abstraction and device layer
<jrtc27> but I don't have time to do that and I haven't seen any patches put up for review; all I see is la_mettrie's periodic questions in FreeBSD IRC channels about how to make various devices work
<jrtc27> so if PCIe works, I don't hear that, only that (e.g.) ethernet doesn't, and discussions with other FreeBSD devs about work that will make that support easier
<jrtc27> (which I *think* might have just gone in)
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<Tenkawa> la_mettrie: nice thanks.. wish I was going to have time to test.. I'm about to be away from all of my computers for a month starting in a week..
<la_mettrie> no probs
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<cousteau> wmat: thanks a million! (Sorry, I just saw your message)
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