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<geist> well, also propbably because i took some unisom last night, which probably just left me extra groggy today
<geist> i really shouldnt
<kazinsal> yeah my sleep schedule is still messed up from the holidays
<kazinsal> I end up taking a nap around noon and then whoops it's 3pm
<kazinsal> followed by not falling asleep until 4am and then needing another nap around noon, and...
<FireFly> same
<geist> yep, i’m trapped in that right now, going to be hard to crawl out of it
<geist> as i get older my body is much more stubborn about trying to forcibly move my sleep schedule
<geist> also more likely to get jet lagged after a long flight
<FireFly> I think I thrive more with this sleep schedule; it's a pity it's less world-compatible
<kazinsal> likewise. my optimal sleep schedule is only world-compatible if I happened to live in eastern Australia
<kazinsal> not so good for someone who lives in the PNW
<FireFly> and if you did, you would probably have a different optimal sleep schedule :p
<FireFly> but on that note, I probably ought to try to get some sleep
<FireFly> I decided to set an alarm tomorrow to nudge myself to not sleep in too hard
<ramenu> So i'm trying to enter vm86 mode but i'm unsure what im supposed to set the segment registers to. I've tried searching this up for a day or so without luck. I'd appreciate any help or resources i can look at related to this issue
<Mutabah> You set them like it's 16-bit real-mode
<Mutabah> (after vm86 mode is entered)
<Mutabah> in that short period between entering vm86 mode and setting the segment registers, the previous base/limit are still there
<geist> yeah, though i haven’t checked. how does it context switch back? uses the TSS?
<Mutabah> TSS
<geist> TSS boom
<Mutabah> TSS provides SS/ESP, and the IDT provides CS/EIP
<Mutabah> then first thing you do (... same as a normal user-kernel switch) is set the rest of the segment selectors
<heat> find someone that loves you the way intel loves descriptors
<Mutabah> stacks of legacy
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<ramenu> I meant right before entering vm86, when performing iret and pushing the segment registers on the stack
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<Mutabah> Keep them as-is, you set them once in there
<Mutabah> Your entry to vm86 mode should be via a stub taht sets up the rest of the user state
<ramenu> oh ok, thanks
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<epony> an inconclusive science report confirms.. that MSG makes your brain sleepy and all your code is then crapwaer
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<Ermine> heat: patchen are ready, except write_iter test
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<heat> thank you for your contribution to The Cause
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<heat> god github PRs suck
<heat> i like email patchen
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* Ermine looks forward for onyx-devel list
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* kof123 has a nightmare .oO( PR webpages with individual email addresses as author, then you can comment using lynx )
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<heat> Ermine, surely you mean linux-onyx
<heat> because onyx is merely a subsystem of GNU/Linux
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<mjg> onyx is a glorified linux distro
<mjg> cmv
<Ermine> linus doesn't like c++, no way he allows linux-onyx list
<heat> you are right
<bslsk05> ​subsurface/subsurface - This is the official upstream of the Subsurface divelog program (502 forks/2508 stargazers/GPL-2.0)
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<Ermine> oh lol
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<Ermine> Meanwhile I've started looking at tty code, it seems to be more C-styled
<heat> yep it's almost a straight conversion from C
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<Ermine> While at it: vi works poorly. Is it because some stuff is not implemented in tty or something else?
<Ermine> And what FDs also need read_iter/write_iter ?
<heat> vi works poorly and im not sure if its the vterm's fault or the actual vi implementation (comes from toybox, but it's in the 'pending' toys IIRC)
<heat> things tend to work fine when using a serial terminal
<heat> but i'm never using vi anyway
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<Ermine> Well, there are no other text editors on the image
<heat> and, erm, technically all FDs need read_iter support
<heat> like, sockets is probably the big one remaining
<heat> yeah, nano needs onyx-package-tree
<Ermine> fifos seem to reuse pipe code interally
<heat> yeah fifos are pipes
<heat> i remember now, nano's scrolling is borked
<mjg> keep it broken
<mjg> who tf uses nano
<mjg> you want that on your system
<mjg> ?
<heat> yeah GNU nano ftw
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* mjg moves heat from internet friend list to trashcan
<mjg> wait did i make it public?
<heat> Ermine, sockets should be pretty simple, the protocols only implement recvmsg() and sendmsg(), and those take iovecs
<heat> mjg, you're on my gnuplot users list
<Ermine> Also, on console it types ? instead of _ and ' instead of - a. Keymap issue?
<heat> yeah it's a PT layout
<kof123> next had a blackhole originally, so you could patch the recycle bin graphic in later versions to restore the glorious spinning black hole :D
<heat> Ermine, if you go to kernel/tty/vt/vterm.cpp:1569 and replace pt_pt_key_actions with key_actions you *should* get a US layout
<heat> if that helps
<heat> i don't have a way to dynamically load keyboard layouts yet
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<heat> mjg, fwiw i'm slowly getting more used to vim
<heat> still, nano is a nice editor
<heat> easy to use
<heat> nano requirements: 1) have you used your arrow keys before? 2) can you press keys at all? 3) (CHALLENGING) can you press ctrl+x?
<mjg> vim is a piece of shit
<mjg> i would not bother
<heat> are you an emacs user
<mjg> no
<heat> ed?
<mjg> i use vim, but this is more of inertia
<mjg> it's a shite editor
<heat> well yeah
<mjg> don't go there
<heat> all UNIX software requires 50 trillion plugins to work properly
<heat> it's The UNIX Philosophy
<Ermine> I used nano before, but now I'm too used to vim
<mjg> is it unix if it's handy?
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<kof123> hmm....unity of opposites. vi (pronounced six of course) started light for modem links. i use vim, but i don't think it is productive to trick it out. it is only because it was so bare that it could have/need plugins. the historic reason to learn vi is just it would be on nearly every unix system by default
<heat> echo "CONNECT IRC.LIBERA:CHAT 6667" | irc && echo -n "/join #osdev\nabsolutely not" > irc.libera.chat.socket
<Ermine> Someone did that on #musl-offtopic
<Ermine> or on #musl
<heat> there's a suckless thing that does this yeah
<heat> they create fifos on the filesystem for channels
<bslsk05> ​tools.suckless.org: tools | suckless.org software that sucks less
<heat> fucking genious stuff
<heat> genius*
<mjg> genzius
<kof123> budget plan9 maybe :D
<Ermine> I mean, that guy used bash's /dev/tcp or something
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<heat> >bash
<heat> hey that's not very musl
<heat> bash is BLOATED
<Ermine> hence -offtopic?
<heat> it doesn't overlap much with musl
<heat> all musl users use ash
<Ermine> Adelie ships with zsh by default iirc (or is there an option in installer to use bash...)
<Ermine> And bash is one of the first things I install on systems without it
<heat> you are BLOATED
<Ermine> I'm impostor in #musl
<heat> who needs *checks notes* line editing
<Ermine> There's also new shiny thingie called atuin
<Ermine> with a cool history log
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<heat> hmm i think my scrolling really is borked, bim also breaks
<heat> I Should Fix It
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<Ermine> Btw, do you have qxl drivers?
<Ermine> ... Yes. Cool!
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<heat> the real answer is no, i don't, because they're borked and never worked properly
<Ermine> Well, it shows something in qemu window
<heat> well, sure, it can do that on any hardware
<heat> basic framebuffer drawing
<Ermine> And qemu's window size changes when booting onyx => it does some modesetting?
<heat> no, that's GRUB
<Ermine> okay
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<heat> i tried doing qxl modesetting but for some reason i always got an inverted display
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<zid> who's wxl
<zid> qxl
<zid> Is that your new favourite streamer or something
<heat> it's one of qemu's GPUs
<zid> ahh
<zid> I like the one I picked.. bochs
<heat> bochs can't even list modes can it?
<Ermine> Never used bochs
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<zid> don't think so, but you can just give it an x,y,x2,y2
<Ermine> ^ this message was sent at 00:00:00 in my local time
<zid> and then scroll to double buffer
<zid> and it's linear, gg
<zid> only thing better would be a vblank irq :P
<heat> so what happens if a linux program (say, Xorg) asks for list of display modes
<heat> does it just make them up
<zid> everything that fits in 2MB of vram or whatever it has is probably fine
<zid> cus you know, qemu is an software window on my machine
<zid> not a real display
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<heat> they want you to use virtio-gpu these days
<heat> Big QEMU
<zid> Have they considered that virtio-gpu is just the way the man wants to keep me from fulfilling my dream of 640x480 triple buffering
<Ermine> heat: did you look ad virtio-gpu?
<Ermine> at*
<Ermine> also, is make qemu supposed to work?
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<heat> all my make targets are kind of screwed
<heat> make qemu needs a hdd.img in the project's root, so Onyx mounts it
<heat> but *the kernel* is in Onyx.iso
<heat> it's really complicated
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<heat> it essentially does kernel (.iso) -> initrd (.iso) -> bootstrap-init mounts root and execs /sbin/init in the hard drive
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<epony> make them fake targets, that simplifies things and makes them "reliable" and "fast"
<epony> you just need a couple of screenshots
<epony> and a service to deliver "nothing" for subscription
<epony> then make a keksmarter and an inthegoogsoft
<epony> become famous like elon and rich like the simpsons
<epony> that's a sure well tested and validated working path of 99% of all gelthip projacks
<epony> just include "wire" in the name and "pay" or "loan" or "contrack"
<epony> if "wire" is taken use "stream" or "free" or "demo"
<epony> that's it, now live long and prosper "opengl salute with the index finger"
<epony> (the other one)
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