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<comrade-> hey my account on forum.osdev.org is locked out after changing the e-mail address; i tried hitting "Resend activation e-mail" but nothing arrives. the account is comrade and the new e-mail address is comrade64@live.com can someone please help me reactivate the account?
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<klange> comrade-: no one can do anything about that, i'm afraid
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<zid> ow, I fell down the stairs
<Mutabah> oof
<zid> carpet's old and shiny, and I was carrying something so I couldn't save myself, battered my foot something fierce
<zid> carpet burn and bruises inc
<Mutabah> at least nothing broken?
<zid> shouldn't be
<zid> if it is, it's a boxer's fracture, and there's fuck all you can do about that
<zid> except to try not to aggravate it and wait
<zid> (like a boxer's fracture, those are for hands)
<zid> good news though, I found some benzocaine, should deal with the carpet burn
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<gog> owie :(
<zid> gog come lick my benzocaine it tastes funny
* gog licc
<zid> haha stole ur teeth
<gog> tafet fin to me
* gog drool numbly
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<bslsk05> ​arstechnica.com: The oldest-known version of MS-DOS’s predecessor has been discovered and uploaded | Ars Technica
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<geist> oh interesting
<geist> was qlways wondering if there were any copies of QDOS floating around
<Ermine> qdos qlways
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<Ermine> I feel like osdeving today
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<zid> You'd just admit to that, out loud?
<gog> i'm osdeving right now
<gog> i'm a degenerate
<kof123> :D
<zid> those two statements are unrelated
<kof123> ":D" because they clearly were not "law of conservation of energy" people who came up with that word "degenerate"
<mjg> gog: osdev some for me
<gog> mjg: no thanks
* mjg unpets gog
<gog> sorry you can't unpet
<mjg> 8[
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* mjg calls customer protection
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<kof123> i don't wish to discuss but re: hybrid kernels the other day: All things come into being by conflict of opposites. -- heraclitus i feel that is a philosophical question, much like "generation" :D
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<comrade-> klange: the forum logon page says to "contact the Board Administrator" - is that somebody here?
<comrade-> i am sure it is just a bit in a database row somewhere, can't that be manually set? i am sure phpBB allows a board admin to force an account in the 'activated' state
<zid> no, yes, yes, yes
<heat> no, that should be chase
<zid> because the answer to 'who are all those people' is yea, chase, and he ain't here
<zid> comrade-: you the #asm efnet comrade-?
<comrade-> gog: 'degenerate' is part of life; important is to realize you're a degenerate and wilfully work against that/channel that energy properly (and THAT is how it ties into Law of Conservation of Energy)
<comrade-> zid: yes thats me
<zid> hihi, ltns
<comrade-> hey man (you're man, right? i am using the wrong pronouns please forgive and correct me)
<comrade-> watching the 8-bit Guy right now complain of down revenue *vudeiL "Changes coming for 2024")
<comrade-> 'chase' - of Paw Patrol ?
<comrade-> damn my head is fucked, "you're A man" and "IF i am using the wrong..."
<zid> oh http://comrade.ownz.com/ is still up, neat
<bslsk05> ​comrade.ownz.com: comrade's bureau
<heat> no, chase, the guy who admins the osdev wiki and forums
<heat> once in a blue moon he pops up and fixes something, thenf ucks off
<heat> it's a brilliant non-dysfunctional relationship
<zid> He's like one of those dads who works 120 hours a week
<heat> imagine: what if old testament god, but absent
<zid> pops in once every few weeks to strike his children and scream at his wife <3
<gog> hi
<gog> i'm screaming at my wife rn
<Ermine> don't
<gog> i'm joking i would never
<zid> gog is the one who gets screamed at
<zid> she likes it though
<gog> yes
<heat> gog: bazel
<gog> heat: bazel
<Ermine> bazelgs
<Ermine> bazelga*
<gog> bagels
<comrade-> zid: i mean to get a free Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificate for it but i can't be bothered
<comrade-> zid: most of the content on the site is outdated
<zid> yea but it's neat that it's still up
<zid> all my janky websites from 2003 are long gone
<zid> because they were hosted on friends' machines or random free hosting services that are now defunct, etc
<comrade-> one of my goals for 2024 is to start a YouTube channel with crax0ring, osdev'ing, lowlevel programming and gamedev content but its a lot of work
<comrade-> similar to this:
<bslsk05> ​playlist 'Low Level Learning' by Low Level Learning
<zid> I hope github.io stays working for a good while
<zid> where else am I going to host my janky webgl spinning gear that I made
<bslsk05> ​zid.github.io <no title>
<comrade-> and this:
<bslsk05> ​playlist 'Rust OS' by Uncle Scientist
<comrade-> and SerenityOS:
<bslsk05> ​playlist 'Andreas Kling - Videos' by Andreas Kling
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<comrade-> zid: re "github.io stays working for a while" with the weight of MSFT behind, the danger is not lack of resources but political will to keep it going; MSFT and other BigTech companies notorious for flash-deprecating large community resources due to whim of a VP or a Senior Product Manager
<zid> Yea there's no danger of microsoft disappearing, but there is a huge danger of just one day them deciding "We're closing this department, bye"
<zid> see: literally everything google has ever touched
<comrade-> they literally cannot be bothered to keep MSDN docs links stable for more than 2 years
<comrade-> and now its learn.microsoft.com and not msdn.microsoft.com
<kof123> re: 2003 when geocities was vanishing i thought it funny "wait...geocities is going, fortunecity is gone...." > Angelfire is an Internet service that offers website services angelfire is the one that survived !? !? !?
<zid> yea I really struggle to find anything on winapi now
<zid> google is fucked, and microsoft has hidden it all
<zid> better off with win32.hlp again
<zid> web was useful while it lasted
<Ermine> heat: dumb question: in onyx kernel, will sched_yield block the task and go to task scheduler?
<zid> 2000-2014, rip
<comrade-> kof123: haha, surprisingly tripod.com is still up! and my ftp://ftp.tripod.com login still works after a quarter century
<GeDaMo> zid: archive.org ?
<kof123> yes exactly lol
<zid> GeDaMo: can you google search it?
<GeDaMo> site:archive.org
<heat> Ermine, define "block the task"
<Ermine> put it into S state?
<zid> actually seems google is indexing the winapi parts again this week
<heat> sched_yield yields back to the scheduler, whether or not it's blocked depends on the thread's ->status when sched_yield() gets there
<comrade-> zid: one of my other projects/ideas is a late 90s/early 2000s style Internet thats ad free and productivity-focused; i'd love to get something like that up and running in a few years time once my son is old enough to use a computer
<zid> last week it was giving visual basic stuff only
<bslsk05> ​wiby.me: Wiby - Search Engine for the Classic Web
<comrade-> GeDaMo: i've seen attempts at that but they're all half-assed (incomplete, and leak onto the modern 'web')
<heat> Ermine, what are you looking at?
<comrade-> also any IRCops here? i am trying to get NickServ to reclaim 'comrade' (the guy who registered, some Finnish communist from IRCnet, hasn't been online in 130 weeks - that's definitely over the 2wk inactivity policy set by Liberachat)
<GeDaMo> https://wiby.me/surprise/ picks a random page
<bslsk05> ​wiby.me <no title>
<Ermine> I'm recalling what I need to to for #85 and looking at pipe::read() code
<zid> you usually find those in #networkname
<zid> so #libera or whatever
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<zid> I used to just message lilo when I wanted crap like that, rip lilo
<comrade-> zid: thanks, i tried #staff yesterday but that redirected me to ##unavailable
<Ermine> it has wait_for_event_mutex_interruptible, which is macro which calls __wait_for_event and sched_yield
<heat> yes, you won't need to replace that part
<heat> for #85 the main problem really is to properly replace the assumption that you need to read everything onto a single, contiguous buffer
<heat> read/write
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: Onyx/kernel/kernel/fs/filemap.cpp at master · heatd/Onyx · GitHub
<heat> the main detail on readv/writev is that they should behave like read()/write(), but they gather data from the iov
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<heat> so shit like for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) write(..., iov[i]); doesn't work
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<heat> say, for a pipe, a "struct iovec iov[2]; iov[0].iov_len = 10; iov[1].iov_len = 1;", a readv() cannot block on that second iov, and a writev needs to write iov[0] and iov[1] atomically (as the total ln < PIPE_BUF)
<heat> s/ln/len/
<Ermine> Yeah, I've got that part
<comrade> I'll be back.
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<heat> terminator moment
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<Ermine> heat: why some pipe_buffer fields end with underscore?
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<heat> Ermine, it's a very C++-y style where class data members get a trailing underscore
<heat> note that i don't follow it in many places but sometimes i do, it's confusing
<zid> I just give them a leading ->
<zid> makes it very obvious they're a MEMBER
<heat> C
<zid> when is C++ getting the correct style, where everything is prefixed by std::C++23::
<heat> i really like the old UNIX C style of prepending struct members with something, such that its greppable
<heat> like st_ino
<zid> ->ino works just as well though ngl
<heat> it's not greppable
<zid> yes it is?
<Ermine> Iirc it was because old C didn't have namespaces for each struct
<heat> git grep "->ino" will point out the billions more ino-named members
<zid> that's just complaining about short identifiers
<Ermine> so you couldn't have fields with the same name in the different structs
<heat> and git grep "ino" will point out the trillions of ino variables around, and git grep "->ino" will also miss the ".ino"
<zid> oh no
<zid> (.|->)
<heat> idk i like it
<zid> yea it's nice
<heat> prefixing the struct members is useful and tradition so, yeah, i like it a lot
<heat> worst case the identifier gets slightly larger
<zid> it works nicely if you trade it for the de
<zid> inode -> std_ino
<zid> fi_creat
<netbsduser> Ermine: that's right
<netbsduser> there are two kinds of people
<netbsduser> one of them sees this explanation and immediately laughs at the unix tradition and throws out the prefix because it's "obsolete"
<netbsduser> the other sees this explanation and asks herself what reasons might there be as to why this tradition has been kept by every unix descendent and enshrined in their code style guides
<zid> heat: wanna see my top technique for going down stairs?
<Ermine> heat: tried make ci-test-qemu, got exception fault in /usr/bin/login . Does login use readv on pipes? I tried to boot it to test pipe::read_iter
<bslsk05> ​www.teamten.com: dynamic_cast<std::integer>(C)++
<heat> zid, lol
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat> Ermine, that's weird, are you based on the latest branch?
<Ermine> Yeah, I rebased it just today
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<heat> Ermine, go to arch/x86_64/isr.cpp and #define ENABLE_SCREAM_EXCEPTION
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<Ermine> Okay, now there's more than one screen of information
<zid> heat: please tell me everything that produces is in all caps
<Ermine> maybe I should redirect it to console
<heat> Ermine, yeah just give me a screenshot
<bslsk05> ​imgur.com: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
<Ermine> oops
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat> i know this is very artisanal but could you try symbolizing that stuff manually?
<heat> like for libc.so+15539, you do something like llvm-symbolizer -e sysroot/usr/lib/libc.so 15539
<heat> and, you know, to be clear, did everything work before your changes?
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<Ermine> Well, it didn't
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<Ermine> llvm-symbolizer -e shows nothing useful. Like '??'
<heat> it didn't work or didn't symbolize?
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<Ermine> Master doesn't work (also page fault at /sbin/login , and symbolzier didn't symbolize
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<heat> shit
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<heat> x86_64 gcc build, i assume?
<Ermine> yes
<heat> lets see... i've been using clang only
<Ermine> I can try clang, but tomorrow, it's 2am here
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<heat> ok i can repro the faults with gcc
<heat> interesting, thanks
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<heat> Ermine, congrats, i think you hit a vm bug
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