Larinioides: ^ Use those if you need to give a more complete example of the problem.
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kintel, I don't consider the quotes perfect either, but I need concept to mark arbritary numbers in the code, which are free from errors and are not eaten by the parser. Quotes were almost perfect for that purpose and its even possible to encode more information into it.
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guso78k Why not mark it using UI? right-click on a number, do some initial contextual analysis, and let users choose editing method
Editing methods could be a simple angle; constrained rotation, or potentially a transformation editing overlay
IMO, text shouldn't be "abused" for UI features
But the only way to figure out may be to prototype it further and play around with it (in experimental mode if needed to merge)
In general, I feel that our UI code is getting a bit out of hand, and at some point, we may want to clean up the internal interfaces a bit, to make it more maintainable. In particular, it's risky to change UI today as we don't have any structured (automated or manual) strategies for testing the UI
Just from the last year's worth of experience, it feels like feature work in the UI space tends to be pretty expensive, where I'd guess 70-80% of the time going into refactoring/cleanup
kintel, this is actually an adavantage of SCAD over python: you can define the language yourself. and you could define cursor positions in the UI , which could be recognized again in the parser.y
that something which is not so easy in the python parser.
Yeah, it's a strength, but just because it's easy doesn't mean we should do it :)
Consider what happens if you save the file, and now you have some hidden value somewhere messing up your design..
to get this done, i have actually written a small brother of GeometryEvaluator.cc and have inversed all the transformations back to the primitives
Our special characters for highlighting/debugging is already questionable, IMO, but we added them and now we have to keep supporting it.
actually i just found a pythonic way to do the same without misusing strings. i consider changing to the new concept
you mean the 0x03 character which sits between the scad code and the -D commandline parameters ?
Once you pull out the literals into variables, you could annotate and do all kinds of fun stuff in python :)
uh, I didn't know there was such a character : /
I meant the #, % helpers
there is such a 0x03 , just grep in openscad.cc. i have been wondering several years about the purpose, but dont dare to change it ;)
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the # % helpers are an great addition and it would not be openscad without :)
of course my interactive dragging is far from perfect, but without implementing trials it would be much harder to test-drive the idea and find good/bad issues about it.
Yeah, building a feature and controlling it behind an experimental flag can be a good way forward
..or even a build-time macro if it's extra experimental
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kintel: btw, so openscad is not tested with the latest cmake version right?
because iirc we copied the rpath thing from openscad :P
and indeed it seems to be caused by cmake 4.0, I guess they changed how rpath is set
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kintel, i have a hard time to understand: "Once you pull out the literals into variables, you could annotate and do all kinds of fun stuff in python", while i feel, its important to me
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pca006132 Yeah, all our builders are on CMake 3. I expect Homebrew on macOS to be the first one to upgrade, so I'll need to sort it out when that happens.
guso78k I meant "decorators" not annotations. It feels like python decorators would be an elegant way of tagging stuff for the GUI
( my Python skills are many years out of date :/ )
kintel, i recently really learned the decorators. they are really cool stuff, but you can only apply them on functions definitions(and alter them). nothing else: not variables, not constants, not function calls
and yes i could make a function like
def _(number_val)
which would return a custom type, with just the number inside. but it would be good enough to distignuish the number from a bare number and consider it selected
right, decorators are really just higher order functions; you'd need to wrap the variable somehow.
BYW pythonscad also owns an decorator. it can convert the function result of a build123d object (cadquery) into openscad world
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