NZGate: i suspect, that material use may differ depending on gate shape. Eg. if it's not rectangular, if it's not multiple of individual plank width and only "half" of one will be on side.
but main question of yours was probably not about how to calculate needed materials, but how to output?
church_: Looks like NZGate left 4 hours ago.
Would you have time to login to rerun the failed ctest ?
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does thingiverse render openscad files ?
seems no
thingiverse "runs" on rather ancient openscad version, if you think about their customizer use for your openscad files
customizer also appears to be broken currently, just tried on a couple of models and got access denied messages
i'd still incluse in own submissions both stl & "source" scad file, even if TV won't run it properly. more then often for actual needs one might need slight dimension tweak here and there, which is relatively easy to do in case of included openscad file in local openscad app. especially, if model is parametric
bambu makerworld's supposedly "runs" much newer openscad version, but there again i'm not too happy with recent bambu steps in lock-in with their printers/firmware/cloud, so not sure if MW is "way to go" as TV replacement
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openscad doesn't support exporting jscad files?
as in javascript code? no
Customizer has been broken in some browsers, and working in others, for a while now.
Thingiverse Customizer is probably pretty dead. It's implemented using their own public "Thingiverse App" API though, so writing a replacement is totally doable. Not sure that's in anybody's interest though (except MakerBot themselves, but last I asked they had no budget to throw at Thingiverse, even though they'd love to see a better Customizer..)
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I assume thingiverse's customizer's usage is dropping fast on new designs, because they've fallen too on behind on the language advancements.
Last I remember they didn't even support angle in rotate_extrude. You have to stick to a really dated subset to keep things compatible with it.
how does the customizer work? how do you tell it which things to customize?
does it just pick up every global variable?
all assiigments in the top of the code prior to first function are considered customiable
ali1234: It parses the comments after variables.
argh just realised i still have that crash script open. apparently it finished rendering eventually? but then i opened the customizer and added a variable and now it's going to take 3 days to render again
ali1234 if your script crashes for 100%, please file a ticket
I'm completely new to openscad, I'm trying to walk through this tutorial https://hexdocs.pm/open_scad/slicing.html and pasting the very first code snippet gives syntax error. How can that be? Are there like different versions/flavors or smth? I'm on openscad from arch repos
no idea what this is, it's NOT OpenSCAD we have here
is that some AI generated junk site? or some other project with identical name? The screenshots do look like OpenSCAD though
right: "Hi. Do you want to make a physical object from Elixir code? Then you're in the right place!"
does the openscad we have here and in arch repo support what is described in the article? Slicing an object into pictures to print out on a regular 2d printer
yes, that elixir stuff is just a wrapper generating openscad code
but that's not exactly a core focus for openscad
where to find documentation or tutorial for the slice functionality specifically? I translated that into the original openscad syntax but I'm getting "ignoring unknown module 'slice'"
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kurisu123: there is no such thing as builtin feature
I suspect it uses projection(cut = true)
which will cut ("slice") a 3d object at Z = 0 and the outline remains as 2d object
kurisu123: like so $fa = 2; $fs = 0.2 ; projection(cut = true) translate([0, 0, 2]) difference() { cube(12, center = true); rotate([20, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = 3, h = 30, center = true); }
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We did not yet have an Elixir-To-OpenSCAD layer yet
But elixir appears to have named parameters ...
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ali1234 https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5689 doesn't mention crash at all, just a bug creating bad geometry. For the crash, I think a separate ticket is warranted, as the two are likely unrelated issues
i consider a state where the entire UI becomes unresponsive for over an hour and the program has to be forcibly terminated to be a crash
i cannot reproduce the segfault any more
Let's call that "hanging" or "freezing". Crash is pretty common terminology for various instances of premature process termination
I believe I had a crash reproduced for this (or similar) some time ago, but my mental stack got too many layers right now; hoping to pop some stuff off it soon
ali1234 btw., could you summarize your findings? Was it that projection-then-hull caused projection to hang, but hull-then-projection caused hull to take too long time?
at one point, one of the tests would segfault every time i ran it
it no longer does that. i don't know why it is different now
i also can't remember which one it was
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well, it was one of the inphase ones. they either take several hours, or instantly segfault
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ali1234: I never saw the segfault you did, but only the really long processing on my system.
Unless the segfault was after many hours. I wasn't going to wait that long.
ali1234: But it's possible I wasn't testing the same one you were getting the segfault on. Since you were using the word crash for a long freeze I thought I was, but I guess maybe not.
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i can't reproduce the segfault
at all
it happened like 3 times in a row and then never again