teepee What's the scope of the build matrix: Just an overview over snapshot builds?
yes, to see what versions go around
e.g. qt6 update status
what cmake can we expect as minimum
like there's quite some cmake deprecation warnings about v3.10
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Made some minor additions and added a CircleCI link as I had it handy
I want to add simple instructions to my 3D-Print designs to tell people how to customize them. This involves getting a more recent version of OpenSCAD. I personally cloned the git repo and compiled it from source, but I'm afraid this will be too complicated for general users.
I may have the snap switched to Qt6 next, it already builds, just need to get the list of libs to package updated.
https://openscad.org/downloads.html links to an appimage but mentioned that these are experimental and advises to use prebuilt packages for nightly snapshots.
I tried this on my system (Ubuntu 24.10), but I get this error when I try to `apt install openscad-nightly`:
that said, I guess we can remove the warning. It's still true that native packages are better but the AppImage is stable for most things I'm aware of
maybe with the exception of dark mode
nomike: I just added 24.10 a couple of hours ago
that may need a bit to sync to the download mirrors run by OpenSUSE
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Snap would be an option for Ubuntu users. For Flatpack the page mentioned that the builds there are not automatically updated. While I don't necessary need a new nightly build every day, it would be good to know how outdated these builds are usually.
teepee, ahhh...OK. I wasn´t aware that the Ubuntu 24.10 packages are brand new. That's cool then.
And if AppImages are stable as well. that's an option too.
That's more of a philosophical topic, but I find it very annoying that there are so many different packaging systems on a single system. Debian packages, pipx, flatpack, snap,... It's good as a software maintainer to offer multiple options but distro-vendors should stop overcomplicating this whole thing IMHO...
Indeed, I'd totally prefer to maintain 1 or 2 different packaging systems instead of 7 :)
we also have Docker and WASM although the last one does not have any packaging system yet
npm, yarn, deno?
BTW: I just installed the stable openscad-nightly from snao and everytime I start it, a weird small black always-on-top window appears after opening a file or tutorial: https://ibb.co/MkJk70m8 I can close it and nothing happens tough.
huh, kintel got a linker error now with Qt6, so more builds to come
nomike: hmm, that's the font cache update. that should not happen every time
I'm om Ubuntu 2024.10 amd64.
what's the last line of: fc-cache -v
fc-cache: succeeded
hmm. strange. if the cache is happy, it should not try to rebuild
unless snap is doing something odd internally again
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Wouldn´t be the first time.
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i get the font window on every recent build, on appimage and snap
even the ones i compiled myself, i think
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[github] chrisspen opened issue #5752 (ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron due to Minkowski() and Difference()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5752
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[github] kintel closed issue #5752 (ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron due to Minkowski() and Difference()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5752
JakeSays We still support Qt5+Qt6, moving to Qt6 is largely a build challenge. Eventually we may start using Qt6 APIs, but likely not until after the next release
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