it's sometimes unpleasant, when rotate_extrude chooses $fs from outer rad. Especially if there is big radius difference between inner. It results in relatively too rough inner. Sometimes i'd wish for there to be param to rotate_extrude, by what to autochoose $f vars
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question on the color transformation: I know that it only works on preview, but I understood a color applied to the objects in the scope contained after the color statement. I have a model with two objects (modules) which nest. To view them nested, I applied red to object 1, green to object 2. Only one surface of object 2 is green - those
surfaces which are coplanar (but separated by 0.2 mm) are red. Is this a bug, or is this just a manifestation on limits of using color? -> code is: color("green",1) jig2(); color("red", 1) jig1(); jig1() and jig2() are basically concentric tapered ring shells each about 3mm thick. jig1 has two ears which fit into corresponding slots
on the top of jig2, resulting in the upper (and lower) surfaces being coplanar.
Build is the current Ubuntu Nightly 2025.02.25.snap
it does work on meshes now with the Manifold backend
coplanar surfaces are never good, regeardless of color rendering or mesh calculation
well, coplanar surface = random outcome
Translating jig1 [0,0,-0.1] was sufficient to create normal behavior. Thanks! This was using the manifold backend (which is FABULOUS). The main model in this project was taking about a second for preview, and about 40 seconds to render. WIth manifold both operations take under a second.
And very nice that it works after rendering now. That will be useful for placards.
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yep, it's pretty recent, and so far only 3mf and off support exporting the colors
it will take a while to catch up with everything
for the overlap I usually have a variable eps that is normally set to 0.01
it's annoying but so far there's no common/automatic way of solving the issue. some libraries include dedicated overlap in places where you are supposed to attach things
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teepee, i think you should not even "union" the two objects, but rather remove the 2 "butting" faces and connect the related vertices instead
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can you test the python version of openscad yet?
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or even better: copy the exact vertex coorindates from faceA to faceB before unioning. this will ake sure that there is a ZERO gap in between and even can avoid potentional self-intersection
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stealth_: yes, for the official version you need Linux for now, or you can try the version guso78k provides
teepee, any schedule for next "time slot" and "interest" to look into, why my ctests fail
just turned my anycubic printer into klipper resuing the existing display! :b :b
the last I saw was just the fn/fs issue that shoulf be fixed now
do you have a link to the specific run you mean?
yes, fn works fine now!
teepee, can i just download the latest git repo and it should work?
OpenSCAD version 2025.02.26
stealth_: yes, AppImage, Snap, Flatpak and the OBS repos are all updated. Flatpak may lag behind a bit as the builds are not fully automatic
or did youu build yourself? then you need to add the flags to enable python
i just built it, OpenSCAD version 2025.03.01
i believe, key to success is beeing able to rerun the test with output enabled.
stealth_: you need -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON then with cmake
HI everyone i am new to this community and got to know about this because of gsoc25 so from where should i start i am also new to this gsoc thing
guso78k: it has everything enabled, it does output to that download html in the summary section
ok thank you, let me search harder
xaxtric_7: did you look through the project proposals for openscad already? anything you are interested in specifically?
in general the best 2 thing to start is 1) getting the source code and getting this build and even more important 2) communication! :)
i don't see any python option in preferences
maybe it didn't compile with python enabled, let me try again
its in Features: python-engine
even though i am adding -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON into cmake the package manager isn't saving it.
shows af it is but its not.
did you install nettle-dev?
it says in the cmake logs if it's compiling the support
after cmake there should be a message if python is enabled or disabled
-- Found Python: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.13.2/x64/bin/python3.13 (found version "3.13.2") found components: Interpreter Development Development.Module Development.Embed
-- Found Nettle: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnettle.so (found suitable version "3.7", minimum required is "3.4")
-- Python enabled, using Nettle 3.7
that's from the CI build
its the package manager it wont let me modify cmake, even if i do it ignores the changes and does its own thing.
is there a way to install this using pip or into python?
pythonscad has it, but it its somewhere between alpha and beta
i see
teepee. the pr with the ctests looks promising
stealth_: can you use AppImage/Snap or Flatpak=
teepee, looks like i can use appimage OpenSCAD version 2025.02.28.ai23859 (git ce6161cc0)
at least there is no error using python syntax anymore.
stealth_ , i dont want to decorate myself with others'feathers. Syntax coloring came from helpers '=D '=D
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guso78k, no worries, I was talking about adding python to openscad, this really does help me out, I was dreading working with other syntax. I do have a large project I want to focus on so its perfect timing ;) ;)
nice, you can even do `print('hello')` this will help with debugging.
yes of course, redirecting output to openscad log window was quite some challenge ;)
i even plan to add an input line below openscad log to feed in input to python, but not very mature
this is like a game changer, you can import all of pythons stdlib? that is huge!!!
its not a bad start.
stealth, be careful with import of libs. if they have shared objects, they only work, when openscad itself has pip; ed ...
i got some examples of possibilities in pythonscad.org, maybe some examples can be derived at some point in time ...
looks like we may need to explicitely add the security repo
with venv you can then install *any* package from pip that is available for that python version
the point of adding a venv is to be able to use libraries like numpy
if you are shipping your own version of python venv isn't needed but if you are using systems python version sure, if best to keep things separated.
venv is always needed
it's impossible to ship the system version
you can't install things inside an appimage
except when building the appimage
Didn't you say if you compile openscad will use the systems python?
yes, i said so
stealth_: * except the one case when using distro packages
you can just include Python.h and compile python with OpenScad.
but those openscad is not very portable.
If it was me, I would just include python with OpenScad and do not bother with the OS python and wont use venv either.
you can just use it yourself
sorry, but that makes no sense
if you build yourself ignoring the system python, you have exaclty 2 options
1) don't use anything other than the builtin modules from python (stdlib or whatever that is called)
2) use a venv to place the packages, e.g. installed via pip
3) install any extra libraries you want at build-time
I normally just compile my own version of python into /opt and use that, I don't use Python that comes with OS, since its really for OS and other software to use.
4) don't build an immutable style package and install whatever you want in the package's system env
this way I don't have to mess with venv as well, since those have cause many bugs and just wastes time.
3 is no option for the official builds
neither is 4
there is always hacks that may or may not work
I'm not counting those as options
python is nothing but hacks... sorry :(
it's hacks all the way down
once we get python nicely integrated, adding other languages might be simple
Elixir :') :') :') :')
I don't see that happening
just kidding
rust, for the masochists
that repo was 6 years abandoned
guso78k, any way to get openscad preview to work within sublimetext?
I want to use sublime for coding since the editor is way better.
i think you just need to use the external editor feature
I suppose, its gets weird when you are working with multiple files and you need to render, it will close the editor and open a new one.
nope, you can hide openscad's editor and just edit the source file with your sublime editore
I know, I didn't mean that, but its no big deal... I am just happy I can code 3d in python.
okay so running venv module makes a venv, but it is the system python
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in that cause its good to use venv if you are using system python, you don't want to install stuff from pip into your system python but venv is ok .
you still have that bug when if the script exits, the whole program exits
and then you can never open that script again, lol
with venv?
yeah, that is still an issue. :')
i think the only sensible way to make this work is by adding "venv" and "pip" commands to openscad's cli somehow
"--python -m venv" or something
and make "--python" be default if executable name starts with "python"
just trying that, the python init has a dedicated field for running a module
when you say use python, it should create default venv to your python code. Also pip that only works inside that venv
the first step is getting venv to work *at all*
UI is a totally different problem
apparently it is possible to ship two binaries in an appimage
oh, but the main binary has to run the secondary one
you just have to include venv & pip files inside site-packages
or any folder and make sure that folder is included using sys.path
and supply a way of running them, which we currently don't
just like you run python now like `/usr/bin/python` you run it `/path/venv/python` maybe there is an init process (not sure i don't use venv)
how you going to run python when it isn't shipped?
how you going to run venv/bin/python when you haven't made a venv yet?
you are using systems python right? just add a check to see where its located, also you can just include venv files and point it to where python is.
you don't have to "install" venv, you need the .py files.
as previously mentioned, we cannot use system python
you can use the same idea with both, one you include and system python.
python executable is not included
it is libpython
it's a library
you can't run it
well for openscad to run python code, it needs to use python.exe from somewhere! either you compiled or system compiled.