t/f is the obvious extension of the current behavior
I'm VERY new. I think I need to export STL from openscad, then find some application that can convert from STL to G-Code, and put that G-Code program on a flash drive to feed to the printer. Does this sound right? Is there a better way?
lmat: yes, although 3MF instead on STL would be better
that said, there is no simple integrated multi-color workflow yet
prusaslicer has a profile for the cr5-pro-h
oh, that's cool!
(the online 3mf generated from openscad with colors) Looks like a perfect proof of concept. Then the slicer should be able to write a program (gcode I guess) that can do some pause and switch or something?
if you have single extruder, yes. or some multi-material switcher MMU/AMS or whatever they call that
manual switch on each layer is not feasible unless it's just a number plate or so with 5 layers
teepee: I'm planning on two layers: one in one color, another in another color.
Oh yeah, there's some black under the letters "Terraforming Mars", so... is it possible to have the printer print a "block" of black before covering it with gray?
but the black could be last layer on top only the text
I could just have a void with no black...
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also possible, or have the black layer like 3 down and then more gray on top with the text as void
you might have a black ring then on the outside unless some extra work making that also gray
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teepee: Well, I don't want a black line around the edg.
teepee: Yeah, that ^_^
teepee: "...print a block of black before covering it with gray?" "no" I think I understand: the printer won't be able to print "next" to the black block that it creates after building it up, right?
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in general always one layer then the next
teepee: Fair enough
with 1 hardware extruder you can still define multiple virtual extruders - with that multiple colors per layer are possible