Any timeline when all the python feature be implemented in OpenScad?
I want to use openscad for a project soon, i would like to use python feature for it, not sure what to do now.
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stealth_: Python that outputs code for OpenSCAD to import as a file.
InPhase, I am talking about the new feature that was added to OpenScad https://pythonscad.org/ some of the features hasn't been implemented yet.
Yes, I was suggesting an alternative that works well to achieve interoperability.
i.e., how to solve the problem today.
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so what are you recommending?
The details depend on why you need Python. But Python can be used to do value-added things like parts tracking or generating geometries with math libraries or whatever one needs, and then output code to be input into OpenSCAD with import. It's pretty trivial to output some text in the scad language with python.
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well i was using the openscad language to code, now that python was added, i figured i would try that.
i can think faster in python since i am used to coding with it.
maybe create class to manage lots of objects would be nice, i am dreading that part of openscad language.
you know the best tool is the one you know how to use very well.
I am very comfortable with screwdrivers. That's why I always hit my nails with them. ;)
if it works, it works...
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