teepee: (back from church) Thank you for the tip! It didn't occur to me that two cubes touching would cause artifacts at a spot where one of those cubes didn't exist (due to "difference"). I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter because a slicer should be able to deal with this properly, but it will be nice to see a proper preview.
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[github] t-paul pushed 3 modifications (Fixup VENV created from inside an AppImage. When created from the AppImage, the VENV points to the temporary mount point of the AppImage, e.g. /tmp/.mount_OpenSCCpPaio - that is obviously no good for any later runs. To fix that, we point the link to the magic /proc/self/exe so it can always just call itself as the python interpreter.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/65d13e88ba11a123849390d9e1185053299f3298
kintel that ^ should also take care of the non-experimental / roof issue
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I want to cut out a 3d shape from flat pieces of foam and glue it together, recreating it irl. For that I need to unwrap/unroll it, get 2d surface patterns. Is there any module for openscad with such functionality?
might be easier in blender, I feel you can maybe bruteforce it with the uv mapping code
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