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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4931 (No two openscad runs export the same STL file (output not reproducable)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4931
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 12 modifications (Manifold export is always predictible; we don't need to set the cmd-line option) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/44bbadac8416c9c3a4d07fb4961c3e32f0622020
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5756 (Manifold export is always predictible) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5756
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 additions 11 modifications (Manifold export is always predictible; we don't need to set the cmd-line option) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/43274151f65381fe3563f76f5fe3eceb209cac7d
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5756 (Manifold export is always predictible) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5756
<kintel> pca006132 Re. Manifold's predictable output: Will it also be predictable across platforms/compilers?
<kintel> Asking because I tried some tests, but I got failures: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5756
<kintel> In the above case, the golden files were created on macOS
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<gbruno> [github] jordanbrown0 synchronize pull request #5750 (Ranges where start is "after" end (whichever way that is) yield nothing. Fixes #5721.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5750
<pca006132> probably not across platforms and compilers
<pca006132> we tried but we haven't really tested that, and it is difficult to test with
<pca006132> but do you have the specific case that we can look into later?
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<pca006132> oh, and one thing we haven't yet tested is color :P
<pca006132> or properties
<pca006132> that may be the issue
<pca006132> and for face normal computation it is not probably not deterministic across platforms due to the use of trigonometric functions
<pca006132> we don't want to bundle a high precision acos implementation...
<pca006132> ah, face normal should be fine, vert normal is the issue... I should probably look into this later
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<cbmuser> teepee: Ping
<teepee> moin
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<cbmuser> teepee: Can you come to Matrix chat?
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<church_> hmm, what you guys think if it would make sense to add to argumentless builtin functions argument perform=boolean ?
<church_> as in to perform something like hull/difference/intersection and alikes 1) by default, 2) if perform=true, and treat as union() otherwise?
<church_> otherwise sometimes to not hull means either argument objects code duplication or imho redundant children or extra module usage
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<kintel> pca006132 Face normals is expected to be tricky, I was mostly curious about tessellation and vertex+triangle order
<kintel> Tessellation is the critical one as everything else can be postprocessed to ensure deterministic output
<kintel> For testability, cross-platform determinism is necessary, but even ensuring deterministic behavior across multiple runs on the same machine is valuable to some (but we probably won't spend resources validating that behavior)
<kintel> church_ Are you switching between union and hull in the same design often enough for this to be a pain point? Curious about what kind of designs you're creating..
<church_> kintel: union was mentioned as "no action performed" except to refer all objects otherwise passed to hull for other transformation commands preceding it
<church_> with "for" cycle i generate few objects .. some are concave and i DON"T want for hull to mess them up :)
<kintel> This does sound like a very specific use-case, and it feels like you'd be better off writing your own "MaybeHull" module or smth.
<church_> so i thought that hull(perform=somecheck?true:false) might be simpler then to rewrite all after as separate module or duplicate in another for cycle
<kintel> ..and if it's too hard to implement MaybeHull, that's an indicator that OpenSCAD should look into improving lower-level tools
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<kintel> In the future, we may support modules as first-class objects, in which case you could write a generic perform function: module perform(realmodule) perform ? realmodule() children() : children()
<kintel> ^ + a boolean argument to the perform() module of course, to turn it on/off
<kintel> gotta got offline for a bit, others may chime in as needed
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<church_> btw, what is argument against adding "case" ? just because multiple if-s can do/replicate same? but shouldn't more readable code also be of slight value?
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<kintel> church_ a case construct could be valuable; someone just needs to design it :) I haven't thought about it though, so I cannot say off hand what challenges may arise apart from floating point comparison being suboptimal for case statements.
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<pca006132> we should already have run to run deterministic behavior
<pca006132> at least I don't have test cases to suggest otherwise
<pca006132> church_: We need argument for adding new features, instead of asking others to give arguments against it. Each LoC is maintenance burden, apart from things like a clean language design.
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<kintel> pca006132 Gotcha, so to clarify: triangulation may differ across platforms/cpu, but is stable from run to run on the same machine/arch?
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<nomike> Hi
<nomike> I'm trying to integrate OPenSCAD with PrusaSlicer, but I'm getting "Unknown error". As PrusaSlicer is a flatpak application nowadays, I wanted to simplify the issue and configured `/usr/bin/gnome-text-editor` as local 3d-printing app. But I'm still getting "ERROR: Could not start Slicer '/usr/bin/gnome-text-editor': Unknown error". So it seems to be something else.
<ali1234> use flatpak-spawn
<teepee> not needed
<ali1234> oh, nvm
<nomike> It doesn't even work with gnome-text-editor. So I can rule out an issue with flatpak. I guess the issue is more likely due to OpenSCAD being a snap...
<teepee> I'll have a screenshot eventually...
<teepee> right, I don't know if snap can start external stuff
<teepee> I suppose there has to be some way of doing that
<teepee> well, I take that back
<nomike> I prefer the flatpak version anyway. But that gives me an error during `flatpak install --user flathub-beta org.openscad.OpenSCAD`:
<nomike> error: The application org.openscad.OpenSCAD/x86_64/beta requires the runtime org.kde.Platform/x86_64/6.8 which was not found
<teepee> I guess you have to add the normal flathub repo too
<teepee> flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
<ali1234> it can't if it is confined, which openscad is
<teepee> flatpak has more of that portal stuff, it might have some option
<ali1234> flatpak has flatpak-spawn for this
<ali1234> snap has... nothing apparently
<teepee> ah, so if openscad is a flatpak that flatpak-spawn should be available
<ali1234> yes
<ali1234> you might have to give it a permission to use it with flatseal, idk, i don't use flatpaks much
<teepee> nice, I'm starting to like flatpak so much more, it's always a struggle with Snap
<teepee> confusing docs
<ali1234> snap is way better when things are classic. they just work
<teepee> unclear errors
<ali1234> flatpak doesn't have a classic mode so you always have to make affordances for the container
<ali1234> all the snaps i use are classic, because they are IDEs
<teepee> but it seems you at least can do it
<nomike> 8-tack vs. Compact Cassette, VHS vs. Betamax. DVD+r cs. DVD-r, HD-DVD vs. BlueRay, snap vs. FlatPak.... What we need right now is another format war....NOT!
<teepee> I had to beg for 2 weeks on the snap forum to get access to the XDG dir of the app
<ali1234> flathub isn't going to accept IDEs going forward just because of how difficult it is to make them work
<ali1234> unless they're specifically designed and fully patched for the container
<ali1234> which basically none are, nor ever will be
<teepee> anyway, nomike if you keep the default /tmp folder, you need to give the prusa flatpack acces to that folder
<teepee> flatpak override com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer --filesystem=/tmp
<nomike> With the flatpak version the GUI is broken. Buttons don't have icons. In the drop-down menu items are only shwon when hovering an entry.
<teepee> strange, I tested that a couple of days ago
<nomike> And the "Design -> 3D Print" menu option is missing, even though I configured it in the preferences.
<teepee> let me try again
<ali1234> is it unreasonable to try to use minkowski on a STL with 64k vertices?
<teepee> looks fine here https://imgur.com/a/ISZb8SK
<teepee> make sure Manifold is enabled
<teepee> keep the kill command ready :-)
<ali1234> manifold is enabled. i've been waiting half an hour already
<teepee> nomike: do you have dark mode as system default?
<nomike> Ah....yes. That could be it.
<teepee> looks like it's picking that up only partially
<nomike> Yes. Seems to be a bug with dark mode. Should I create an issue on github for that?
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<teepee> nope, I have no idea how to fix that
<teepee> ;-)
<teepee> well, sure, but in the flathub repo, not the main openscad
<kintel> ali1234 If the STL is concave, it will take time to decompose it into convex subparts. After that it should be reasonably fast. If you share a design I could give it a sanity-check
<ali1234> kintel: the STL is a 3d scan of a person's head
<ali1234> the goal is to make a hat that perfectly fits the head
<kintel> You might be able to subtract a bunch of stuff first, to make the minkowski cheaper. e.g. places where hat wouldn't go.
<ali1234> yeah, i did that already
<kintel> ..but you might also have run in to a corner case we don't know about : /
<kintel> If you clip it down to something non-identifiable, you might be able to share it
<ali1234> oh the head i'm using is just an example it's on thingiverse, i can link it no problem
<teepee> if it's a very rough surface that could decompose into thousands of separate objects
<kintel> teepee yeah, that's the degenerate case
<othx> ali1234 linked to "Head by figure" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
<ali1234> oh hang on, i actually didn't remove the unused bits
<ali1234> https://bpa.st/NKPQ code
<ali1234> problem is, if i trim first, then i don't get an open hat, it has a bottom
<ali1234> but i guess i can trim it twice
<kintel> Hmm, I tried an extreme case: Render this and do a minkowksi: difference() { import("v17_head.stl"); translate([0,0,50]) cube(120, center=true); }
<kintel> Rendering yields 344 triangles, but it gets subdivided into 190 convex parts (!)
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<ali1234> trimming unused geometry first didn't seem to help
<kintel> If you could find a place to strategically hull stuff, that would help
<ali1234> although i just noticed this model seems to have the entire inside of the mouth modelled
<ali1234> that probably isn't helping at all
<kintel> Based on my test, you have big issues way before dealing with the mouth :/
<ali1234> i decimated it down to 6k verts in blender
<ali1234> still taking ages
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<kintel> Yeah, it's most likely the convex decomposition