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teepee and so many - Ü
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teepee, thanks for the download pointer. This does not look like a download button, but now i know!
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kintel, it would be absolutely great, if we still could mix different types of geometry in lists: especially Polgon2d and Polyset! for Lazy union.
Background is this: with latest pr of skin, 2D faces can arbritarily sit in space and i got a function to extract an arbritary face from a 3D polygon.
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Together i could display a polygon + its selected arbritary placled 2D face in the 3D preview.
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teepee, right now the 3D view only shows the content of the last show() statement. Shall we leave as-is or rather show all show() statement building an union or geometryList ?
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i have single openscad model, from which i can generate multiple parts of it. i simplified choosing which to show pre render/pre export by customiser UI, but wonder if there is more efficient way to export all parts one by one in separate stl files except going through all manually?
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church_: right now, only external scripting
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teepee, when i click on your "download link" i see this: and when i select a check, i can see the complete ctest log. Is is it possible to "download" a source code or openscad binary from there ?
"CircleCI" !
*only* that one build releases
I have found the appImage now. great learning!
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I am seeing a bug - and I am trying to find the exact issue in github that it relates to:
I <include> a number of modules.
I can see them all clearly in preview when doing union
When I use them in a "difference()" most of the items disappear from preview - but work fine when rendered ( F6 )
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I built the latest version for source: version 2025.03.01 running on macOS
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teepee - the workaround
render() difference()
does seem to fix the issue.
Guest96: if it looks like in the link above the fix is adding the convexity parameter
or changing to the goldfeather algorithm for preview in preferences
render works, it forces mesh calculation, so depending on the design it can delay initial preview
It can be a toss-up which is faster with Manifold.
teepee - I tried "Force Goldfeather" - that makes it better than it was - but still not perfect.
could be multiple issues then, hard to tell
Is this a know issue in github ?
Guest96: Well you didn't exactly show the specific issue or share any examples that do it, so it's hard to know which type of issue you're describing. :)
Guest96: There are a number of known preview display artifacts, with different ones from different sources. The long term aspiration is to purge preview as soon as we get rid of all the good reasons to keep it.
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guso78, I copied and pasted the home page example on and this is what happens