I thought the BOSL2 library would have functions to create a snap peg like this: https://prnt.sc/YqrmGB-xNaCO and a socket for it, but I don't see that. Am I just using the wrong search terms?
Oh my "The ubiquitous ESP32 microchip made by Chinese manufacturer Espressif and used by over 1 billion units as of 2023 contains an undocumented backdoor that could be leveraged for attacks."
reding a bit further it seems you can hijack all devices you already own and can control
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I've designed a few multicolor parts in OpenSCAD, running the latest development snapshot on Mac. 3mf export has options to export color, but when I open the 3mf in various slicer programs (BambuStudio, Prusa Slider), no color information if found and the object is a single object. At the moment is there what's expected?
3mf color is irrelevant in slicers
enable lazy-union to generate multiple objects that can have extruders assigned
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Just tried that - F6 - export as obj or 3mf - but on importing into the slicers it still only sees a single part
(sorry for this - I'm a mostly advanced user but this one has me stumped)
Well - what I found just now in BambuStudio: stl - splits to individual parts; obj - slipts to one file but you can see an interference pattern where the text intersects with the ring; 3mf - splits to two parts - one yellow, one black - even though the black parts are not interconnected
But basically, this is PERFECT.
I know stl's don't support multiple parts - but I think slicers are able to break where parts are touching but not one (ie, two adjacent surfaces)
yes, that works usually
I'll stick with 3mf - makes handling extruder colors trivial
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This is amazing, btw.
it needs a permanent solution, but works for now with the hack :)
[github] jordanbrown0 closed issue #1936 (Warning when reassigning a variable to a variable which was not defined at the first definition of the variable) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/1936
for example, line #2 could be changed from union(){ to {
Using this code: https://paste.rs/iL6hm when I uncomment line 42, gray shows up at the bottom of the letter, "H". I expect only red to show up at the bottom of the letter. Here are some screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/PQ1PciY
Why would gray show up in the bottom of the letter?
in short: coincident faces = bad
if you union things, have some overlap
on difference, punch through, no just touch the edges "exactly"