but in the mean time openscad can try the new optimizations and see if we can find cases where things are slow or non-deterministic
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pca006132 We still use Manifold from a submodule on all platforms except macOS, so that should be an easy bump. Do you have any examples (concrete or conceptual) where you expect Manifold to be faster?
It's basically a "perfectly fitted" peg in a hole
..and when rendering with Manifold, it somehow closes the hole and forgets that some of the faces come from a different object with other face attributes
Perhaps that's expected, but I somehow expected that Manifold would preserve the face attributes in this case
If it's worth looking into, I could report an upstream issue, just wanted your immediate gut feeling first :)
interesting, sounds like a bug
I guess either the property got lost somewhere, or the simplification is somehow collapsing something that it should not collapse
please open an issue if it is still the case after updating manifold, and we can see if this is fixed after the work on simplification
I’m designing filament reel clips to have a place to secure the loose end of filament. For plastic reels, which brand has the thickest edge and which has the widest band of thickest edge?
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It's quiet ... too quiet.
I don't know why. I did ask a question earlier and got no replies.
I would not have an answer to that question
I'm not even sure I have any plastic ones other than prusa which have a built-in clip already
oh, wait "Das Filament" is plastic spools too
very civilized to have a built-in clip. actually is it that hard to just do the sides as a lattice so there are plenty of places to tuck in the loose end?
even just the simple holes in some of the paper spools work well
it's just some have them way too near to eachother
IIRC overture is fine, big holes with good spacing
TylerTork: All the ones I've bought had holes to shove the filament end into.
TylerTork: Although I consequently often end up with a bent end that I then cut off. :)
But it can help to angle-cut the end before feeding in anyway, so this is not a big issue.
More filament is lost feeding in than that little clipped off bit anyway.
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