[github] kintel pushed 1 additions 8 modifications (Provide GLSL vertex shader to OpenCSG to fix z-artifacts (#4595) (#5725) * Z-buffer tearing with edge preview fix (#4595) This commit depends on OpenCSG 1.8.0, which is yet to be released. It is possible to provide a GLSL vertex shader for CSG rendering. In this way, OpenCSG can transform the vertices in exactly the same way as OpenSCAD in its shader, e.g., for edge rendering. * Bumped OpenCSG to 1.8.1 C
Rendering update: Since the current (or next) nightly build, we finally fixed some rendering issues: Wireframe overlay should now work everywhere; works also in manifold mode. and wireframe rendering artifacts in preview mode is fixed. This should also unblock the work to support picking from the rendering window.
That's nice progress. :) I remember that's been wonky for a while now.
Yeah, it took a long time to sort out, which involved a full roundtrip to OpenCSG where the upstream author updated the API to support our use-case
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Picking from Rendering Window ? Measuring z Buffer depth ?
Identifying which AST node is responsible for some pixel in the view, and using that to highlight the line(s) in the editor
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Ahh, did Not realize that this was broken.
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I'm the one who offered to look at the site and maybe do a little redesign
I tried my harderst, but my depression is severely in the damn way, I am very sorry, I really wanted to do it, looked forward to it even, but it's not working :/
I feel like both a fool and a prick for making a promise that I ultimately couldn't hold
FireBeard: It's all good. This is open source, so we all know to take such ambitions with a grain of salt until the result shows up anyway. :)
No one is going to hold you to any results, the effort is what your giving, there is no time frame or deadline. Feel free to beat on it whenever you have it in you. Anything you achieve will be appreciated
FireBeard: If you get the ambition later, feel free to try again. In the meantime I hope you're feeling better soon.
ok, thank you for the very kind words :)
maybe some day, I really hope, I love the idea behind openscad, and I might even learn how to use it one day
bye guys, maybe we'll meet again !
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