guso78 Yeah, being able to render a mixture of geometry is probably going to be important. Perhaps we need to rethink the concept of a "Renderer" as something related to geometry types, and rather make Renderers just utilize VBOs created elsewhere
The main challenge is that the feature set across renderers isn't aligned, e.g. measurement tool only works on PolySet-based geometry, but what if PolySets are mixed with Nef polyhedrons?
stealth, this is, because many many features of pythonscad are not yet merged. you are missing the explode operator
kintel i have reasonable algorithms for measuring for OpenCSG and even NefPolyhedrons in mind. I was just not able to tell CGAL and OpenCSG my intent in their language.
ok - my intent works for convex NefPolyhedrons for now
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I have an odd issue with the dev snapshot. I was running a dev snapshot from a couple of months back (on Windows). When maximizing the window, the window frame (title bar, resize borders, close/size/menu buttons) disappeared. No biggie, I though, I'll just restart it. But, still no frame. Installing latest snapshot didn't work either. Resizing
using keyboard didn't help. Restarting Windows didn't help. Old stable works (but not for me, as I use several of the new features). So, out of ideas and mostly feel "WTF???". Anyone seen the issue? Ideas?
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Troberg: seen no, but one possible reason could be that it stored the messed up setup in config
it should be possible to remove that config stuff, I think in windows that's registry
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teepee: Wouldn't that be in the binary blob in [window] inside OpenSCAD.conf?
Troberg: If you have no settings to preserve, you can try clearing away your OpenSCAD.conf file while OpenSCAD is closed. Or selectively eiting that [window] section if you want to try to keep other settings.
Troberg: By "editing" I think the best bet might be to just delete that whole section.
I couldn't find it in the registry. Where should the conf file be?
I think in: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\
Couldn't find it there, searching entire disk now...
Nope, can't find it anywhere. Did a dir /s openscad.conf in c:\, should have found it.
Sorry for the previous message, wrong window...
I think you are looking for HKEY_USERS\<<some magic string>>\SOFTWARE\OpenSCAD\OpenSCAD
I would be tempted to take a backup of the whole folder and then just blow it away
in the registry that is
I searched the entire registry for OpenSCAD, and found no key which seemed ever remotely relevant. I suspect that where the settings are stored has changed since the stable, as stable still works, but several versions of dev snapshots don't.
that should be snapshot, I have that on my machine, but you are quite correct searching for openscad should have found it
Finally cracked it! It was in the registry, don't know how I missed it earlier. Found it using procmon, logging writes as I changed settings. Was under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\OpenSCAD\OpenSCAD\. Just removed all the settings, fixed it.
Thanks guys!
cool, I'll add the location to the wiki, so next time we know where it is :)
teepee: A good plan.
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Troberg (if you read this): Any chance you took a backup and could figure out which key broke? I've seen similar issues and it would be good if we could find a way of ignoring old settings entries when people upgrade.
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