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<teepee> it does pick up the venv now
<ali1234> i don't think that's a venv, that's just installing into the system path (after mangling it?)
<teepee> nope, debian does not allow install into system path
<teepee> also thats as user
<teepee> and list only shows pip, nothing else
<ali1234> if you had a venv, you'd have a pip binary you could run outside openscad
<teepee> sure, I have that
<ali1234> what happens when you run it? which version of python does it invoke?
<teepee> it's running the native python exe as pip
<teepee> all system, as that's locally build
<ali1234> so you can't package it...
<teepee> no, not in that state
<ali1234> someone on #python suggested another solution:
<teepee> for that it needs to be able to call the openscad binary as pip
<ali1234> instead of hacking openscad to behave like python, ship the real python.exe and a python script that checks argv[0] and then shells out the the right binary
<ali1234> that should be much simpler
<teepee> for some stuff yes, I can see some cases that would be more complicated
<teepee> we'll see, one step at the time
<teepee> sys.prefix = /tmp/venv-1
<teepee> sys.base_prefix = /usr
<teepee> "When a Python interpreter is running from a virtual environment, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix point to the directories of the virtual environment, whereas sys.base_prefix and sys.base_exec_prefix point to those of the base Python used to create the environment. It is sufficient to check sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix to determine if the current interpreter is running from a virtual environment."
<teepee> by that definition it does see a venv
<ali1234> hmm... i suppose it does
<teepee> I have no idea *how* it picks up the venv though, that's slightly worrying
<ali1234> you're supposed to activate it ("source venv/bin/activate")
<ali1234> this sets environmental variables that the normal interpreter picks up
<teepee> I know and interestingly VIRTUAL_ENV does not matter
<teepee> PATH is actually used which is odd
<teepee> as my executable is openscad-nightly and not python or python
<teepee> 3
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #5720 (Fix a few clang-tidy issues) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5720
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<gbruno> [github] andyDoucette opened issue #5721 (DEPRECATED: Using ranges of the form [begin:end] with begin value greater than the end value is deprecated...) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5721
<gbruno> [github] andyDoucette edited issue #5721 (DEPRECATED: Using ranges of the form [begin:end] with begin value greater than the end value is deprecated...) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5721
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<gbruno> [github] andyDoucette edited issue #5721 (DEPRECATED: Using ranges of the form [begin:end] with begin value greater than the end value is deprecated...) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5721
<gbruno> [github] andyDoucette edited issue #5721 (DEPRECATED: Using ranges of the form [begin:end] with begin value greater than the end value is deprecated...) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5721
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<gbruno> [github] andyDoucette opened issue #5722 (Question: How to pass children to another module?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5722
<andromodon> if you know the answer to that question, I'd love to hear it.
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<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5530 (Introduce PolySetRenderer and add support for wireframe overlay) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5530
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 7 modifications (clang-tidy fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/e62c86ed5fb2aac13886297b06ca53c0556c153d
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #5530 (Introduce PolySetRenderer and add support for wireframe overlay) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5530
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5720 (Fix a few clang-tidy issues) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5720
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 5 modifications (Fix a few clang-tidy issues (#5720)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/ce2b6f2075620a5e96a19130634152b7c9a57f60
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 7 modifications (clang-tidy fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/9278c09b6456ec097cdff867f03b0ac8c396e755
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5530 (Introduce PolySetRenderer and add support for wireframe overlay) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5530
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 additions 12 modifications (Add support for venv selection and creation. Changes to the venv currently need OpenSCAD to be restarted.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/3950e844c53dfd9a4e928f53d228c4ad1cedcfc0
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<guso78k> teepee, we could add a python section https://imgur.com/a/yZYOa3C
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 additions 12 modifications (Add support for venv selection and creation. Changes to the venv currently need OpenSCAD to be restarted.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/c79d38d84c16c9fe0e9da728831af5a9d76f73b9
<gbruno> [github] t-paul opened pull request #5723 (Add support for venv selection and creation.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5723
<teepee> guso78k: what is that doing?
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Build fix with ENABLE_PYTHON not set.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/ae9782c7e4119009ceb1967d8036c58755fa24d3
<gbruno> [github] t-paul synchronize pull request #5723 (Add support for venv selection and creation.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5723
<guso78k> its not about nimport. i want to show the idea to have a python "reiter"
<guso78k> i have seen that you added python "Settings
<teepee> sure, why not, if we have configuration stuff, a separate section makes sense. especially with the build switch
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<guso78k> nimport is same as python import., but with url instead of packet name
<stealth_> what is it you guys trying to do?
<teepee> I'm trying to enable python venvs in openscad, as that's the only way for some of the packaging formats to support python packages
<stealth_> cool, what bout the link above
<stealth_> its better to install from github vs download the .py file off the net(at least it seems like that to me). e.g `python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/.../`
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 3 modifications (Add more validation, e.g. create venv only in empty directory.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/1f9f51ec93bd46f9a6115f8f61c5f9bc1f112e7c
<gbruno> [github] t-paul synchronize pull request #5723 (Add support for venv selection and creation.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5723
<gbruno> [github] imbw267 opened issue #5724 (Font not registered) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5724
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 3 modifications (Add more validation, e.g. create venv only in empty directory.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/c7962d40eedd3cf6f4d9c0e42e49df47ab73ebd2
<gbruno> [github] t-paul synchronize pull request #5723 (Add support for venv selection and creation.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5723
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<gbruno> [github] imbw267 closed issue #5724 (Font not registered) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5724
<teepee> right, now lets see if the venv stuff works in appimage too
<teepee> not having high hopes yet :)
<stealth_> link to source?
<teepee> what source?
<stealth_> the one you worked on.
<stealth_> well... I will assume you know what you are doing :p I am not a C coder.
<stealth_> I thought it would be in python for some reason!
<teepee> most of it is in python, but that's standard stuff, from the core python distribution
<stealth_> Yeah, I normally use Cython for stuff like that.
<guso78k> Cython is good for speeding up existing python code. But in this bare python cannot do solids, so nothing to improve
<guso78k> my openscad pip module is basically only the compile  stage. It completely misses the configure/cmake state to adapt to target system
<stealth_> Yeah, It would have been good if I actually learned C but I didn't want to learn it.
<guso78k> it was almost best decision for my hobby with computers
<teepee> OpenSCAD is C++ (mostly) :)
<guso78k> actually python lowers the percentage ;D
<guso78k> (and yacc)
<stealth_> Its not a bad choice, just C gives me the creeps... I don't really mind the syntax that much, maybe since I come from Python, I like the whole where the bug is fixing is right away, vs C that can be too esoteric
<stealth_> That being said I am learning Zig, its like C but without all the BS.
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<stealth_> You guys could probably pick up Zig 2x times faster than me though, since you already have C background.
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<guso78k> teepee, how can sombody on github test a pr before merging ?(e.g. graphical stuff is not tested by ctest)
<teepee> download build, test manually
<guso78k> ahh, download from the source of the pr. you cannot download the pr itself
<teepee> sure, you can download the binary
<teepee> windows/linux-appimage always, macos only if specifically enabled due to build limits
<Scopeuk> I remember it always being a little funny to get to/find via the github interface
<gbruno> [github] floriankirsch opened pull request #5725 (Provide GLSL vertex shader to OpenCSG to fix z-artifacts (#4595)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5725
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 2 modifications (Remove PolySet/Polygon2d rendering from CGALRenderer) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/6885627df4aeca04f0512f890e634923b1e7667d
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5530 (Introduce PolySetRenderer and add support for wireframe overlay) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5530
<guso78k> SchokeUk, in case of teepee's new python venv pr, i could not find the download link
<guso78k> right new exercising klippers's new features
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<kintel> teepee In terms of lazy unions - did you have a concrete idea what to do about it? Running into som refactoring issues and wonder how much time I should sink into keeping it working properly..
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<teepee> pr?
<teepee> othx: pr is a pull request on github, the associated downloads can be found using this path... https://imgur.com/a/01Z44U1
<othx> teepee: Okay.
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5725 (Provide GLSL vertex shader to OpenCSG to fix z-artifacts (#4595)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5725
<teepee> kintel: I think we should define it to be internal only, e.g. keep the list result but have the upper level responsible to keep the current behavior
<teepee> for top level, we need some replacement to specify multiple objects. I still think annotations would work for that, but it should be at least explicut
<teepee> *explicit
<teepee> guso78: downloads https://imgur.com/a/01Z44U1
<kintel> The issue I ran into was that lists can contain mixtures of geometry types (CGAL, Manifold, PolySet, polygon2d), which is a bit annoying to support.
<kintel> I guess that may still happen for internal usage though, so we might need to solve that in a more general way
<teepee> I suppose the 2 main cases is "handle separately and pass on as list" and "union all and apply op"
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<teepee> introducing more combinations like 2.5D and allowing mixing those makes it more interesting
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<kintel> well, good thing if we remove the top-level, it's no longer experimental :)
<kintel> Although scrameta's PR will still be
<teepee> well, not quite, difference() glitches not unioning the objects from the first static slot
<teepee> difference() {
<teepee> for (x = [-5, 5]) translate([x, 0, 0]) sphere(5);
<teepee> cube(10, center = true);
<teepee> }
<teepee> I think the data structure needs to be 2 levels, 1st level = static slot, 2nd level list of associated objects
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