It's a bit of a corner case: Two cubes sharing a face, but without distinct vertices, making the resulting object technically non-manifold. Manifold-3.0.1 would remove the back-to-back triangles. Manifold master accepts the geometry but fails at processing it.
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Anyone happen to know how to properly use the BOSL2 skin() module? I'm getting an odd result when I create a skin between a circle, and a more complex multi-part 2d shape. looks all twisted up.
I made a post in the reddit OpenSCAD community with more details about it what I'm trying to do. I assume the solution is probably something simple I'm just unaware of.
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kintel: sounds like a bug in my parallelization, let me check
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InPhase: no, it is not related to project
NikoKun: I think you should ask in the mailing list, BOSL2 devs are more active there
ah ok, i'll look into that i guess. thnx
kintel: interesting, this is not due to my parallelization, something weird is going on, I will open a ticket
pca006132 Now you have a new test case :)
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iirc I disabled simplification to check if it is caused by that
so the difference is probably due to that
will update the ticket
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OK I guess I found the problem, not very easy to deal with though, will try
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pca006132 Let me know if our corner cases are crossing the line in terms of what Manifold will support. I initially didn't expect those cases to work, but since they did, I added them as regression tests :)
I fixed them now, so yes :)
There is still one missing piece which I don't quite know how to handle: people tend to build extruded polygons which loop back onto itself (like a manually extruded donut). The start and end vertices will match perfectly, _except_ they are off with some floating point epsilon (or accumulated error from a number of transformations).
(by yes I mean we should support it)
I guess we can try the merge function in that case?
Does manifold have a smart merge function?
We do successfully merge these ourselves, but using vertex quantization which is dangerous, so we have to issue a warning
wups, looks like python tests failed. Btw., you guys have a lot of tests now - good to see things working out in that department!
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ah, I guess some halfedge related stuff are not fixed
but should be simple to fix
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btw kintel do you know any simple software renderer that can render glb/3mf? it would be nice if manifold also does image diff test similar to openscad
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For something easier, perhaps look into what libraries like assimp uses for testing
I guess we cannot actually ingest 3mf directly, only works in the UI, so you'd have to wrap it in an import()
hmmm but that requires nightly
anyway, we probably need some colored test first
you could do a web-based renderer and use Emmett's ModelViewer
..but may be annoying to set up
ah that is an order of magnitude more bloat with a web browser :P
ideally I want something that is a pure software renderer, because iirc the last time I tried to setup openscad rendering on CI (for nixos), it requires fiddling with mesa
for the llvmpipe software renderer
but I want to setup something across different platforms, and setting this up across linux, macos and windows (esp. this) is the last thing I want to deal with
yeah, what you're asking for takes a lot of time to build and maintain. It took us forever to establish something somewhat stable, and it still breaks from time to time
If you can get something using Mesa across all platforms, that would probably be preferable, as vendors' SW renderers aren't trustworthy
..or perhaps go for a higher level library like bgfx
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yeah, will think about this later
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