stealth_ -- that means there is a problem with your network, or your computer is not storing preferences correctly. Most people don't have to sign in after the first time.
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quote "But to “make life easier” for their customers, they are developing a new software tool called “Snapmaker Orca”. This is, as you might guess, a fork of the OrcaSlicer project. That tool was itself a fork of BambuStudio, which was a fork of PrusaSlicer, which in turn was derived from the original Slic3r project."
i was surprised how much better orca to BS is
now BS is only use is to create a print profile to upload
how much better? Dunno .. in my eyes biggest it's advantages are way more usable builtin fillament calibration tests & that you can save PA and alike in filament profile. What else orca is better? Maybe by implementing new features at faster rate, but while with lag, bambu doesn't fall behind THAT much, and not always those features are something one cannot live w/o
But i can use BS aswell as orca, as by large 90-95% between them are same
I'm more worried in bambu move to close down access in general and deny features they for marketing reasons don't implement and now won't let 3rd parties
like not allowing to use panda screen to augment usability for less money on p1s, deny automation tools access, and what particularly matters to me - usage of manual plate temp controls to preheat chamber for better ABS/ASA prints
(probably to increase "value" of x1e which is essentially x1c + builtin chamber heater & lan mode, or to increase potential desirability of potential future models)
Orca is a BS fork - they lag behind but they also didn't implement broken features
LAN mode is working without constant disconnects
but therefore the filament change flush bug is also not fixed
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teepee: So I guess Bambu is still not understanding how cloud service authorization control is a problem.