I just checked out your website, and I love that it has an actual 'webdesign' feel of the site, and I really hope I will not insult anybody with the following statement, but I think I can do better
you can tell me to gtfo, that is fine
I'd say get to the point
the point is that I'd LOVE to have a crack at making a new design for the site
was that not clear? ;)
nothing wrong with that as such. the critical question is how that's going to happen
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no, it's not clear if you try to sell a service for example
oh no no, NO cost, it's free of course !
I would never charge anything for an open source project
I just like to make the site more friendly and nice to visit
is all
just a suggestion, I like your software [though, I have not tried it yet, but have followed a few tutorials, because I thought the way it works might be for me]
I can go if you want :)
the website could use an update for sure
if you like the current design, but tweaked up a little, I'd be happy to help
there was some updated design a while ago, but that never got to a state that went live
it's what attracted me to the site when I saw it: it's not a default squarespace or anyother site standard, but it can use some help :D
why not?
not sure, likely just free-time of the people involved at the time
teepee: Yes, I saw the image.tar thing in the logs of the original attempt. Glad this is fixed, and I'm happy to say the arm64 image works great
Murr: nice, I just tried a simple example on a RasPi and that worked fine too
I mean, a new design would be VERY easy to implement, if I'd adhere to the current image sizes
sorry, English is not my first language :/
I just like to help
you can oust me any time you want :D
Murr: the next run should be a bit faster, I've increased the parallel processing to 2 :-)
ah, now the effect is gone, I can have 3 columns
the emoji look a bit sad too ;-)
teepee: I wasn't able to get the separate objects in the 3mf file with lazy-union -- I checked in the file with a text editor. I modified my program and now have the union of the objects at the root of the program as I read was necessary on a reddit post. I tried both manifold/new and CGAL/old rendering. Any tips? (I can always go back to
colorscad, though)
I see what you mean by the effect, it's like the spinners have a hair trigger, if you don't click very quickly, they jump by 2
syserrio: just no top level union in the file, like: cube(); cylinder();
let me try that, to be sure
The emoji are due to the fact that only preloaded fonts work, and presumably this one isn't included in my image
Same limitation as the thingiverse customizer
but they show up as \u2938 instead of a broken glyph
but all feedback is good. I know this is still in extremely rough shape
so they don't reach openscad processing
Yeah, my parameter extraction messed up and did not process the escape sequences
teepee: are you interested at all?
there's an export command for parameter extraction into json
if not, I'm out :D
FireBeard: yes, if slow is fine and we can talk what features are set, the design side would be pretty open I think
ok, great, and slow is very fine with me !
teepee: that did it!!! Thanks! Bambu asks me if I want to import the multiple objects.
I can show you some of my nonsense next time I'm active, if you want :)
syserrio: yep that's what I get in prusa too
because I have to prove myself too, of course !
sounds good to me
FireBeard: Tip: First step would probably be to propose something with a mock-up and demo, and maybe a plan if there are any significant navigation or content organization changes. Also it's probably meritorious to preserve most of the main landing pages, with external links to them while doing so. And then it would be good to get feedback on that proposal before you deep dive into the whole thing
without feedback.
ok, thanks. I'll probably be back in a day or three or so
FireBeard: It's a many-stakeholders sort of thing. :)
InPhase: I will make a mock-up for sure :)
I guess I can try to extract some of the other design somehow, there's a zip backup somewhere
oh no no, no stakeholder whatever, I do it for free, with no ties or anything
FireBeard: Also, it will be important to be communicative and very open to feedback, because of said many stakeholders.
just because I think the software is awesome
FireBeard: No, I mean stakeholders like everybody involved in the project and interested in it would be impacted by the changes.
aha ok :)
ok fine :)
I just love doing a bit for open and free software
I'd love to see an easier way of posting news articles :-)
also, you might just HATE my designs ! :D
I hope not though, I think I can make the site a bit more welcoming
Very interesting, that export command. `--export-format` as such is documented, but I have not seen any mention of `--param`.
heh, we just did a design competition for our company logo, I did not really hate any of the suggestions
I'm out for now, thank you teepee and InPhase for the positive feedback, I'll be back
And since I have to implement this from scratch in FreeCAD anyway, I might as well keep my implementation for OpenSCAD. It's only a few dozen lines of code
But the official export would make a good regression test for my implementation
in case we ever get the native customizer format going it would be automatic
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but who knows, if and when that happens :)
right, the -h text does not list the allowed formats
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The last website update project included a move to Wordpress. The idea was to make it easier for more/other people to participate in website activities as the current git-based approach might not be the easiest for people not familiar with git. However, the fear is that it kind of makes it harder for the existing folks to contribute, plus wordpress comes with its own set of issues and complexities.
Anyway, the topics being tackled back then was 1. general facelift, 2. better mobile support, 3. easier article publishing and 4. exploring opportunities for ad-financing, and optionally 5. bringing the mailing list/forum back to our own server (but no time was spent on that)
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Is minkowski heavy on plain flat surfaces/edges too? I'm thinking of using it to add clearance between prism "teeths" & prism-shape cuts. So far i tried to avoid minkowski usage as much as possible, but here it would simplify things a lot
And minkowski with sphere sounds a bit overkill too, wondering what simpler shape to use for minkowski with
you can use an octahedron to add a chamfer. Minkowski gets bad when used on concave surfaces - also each point makes it slower.
initially i was thinking of tetrahedron .. funny, that sphere with $fn 3 results in prism, not tetrahedron
church__: If by plain flat, you mean 2D, it works fast and efficient on that. But offset is even better.
i was thinking on 3d prism. No concavity, few flat surfaces, made with polyhedron. But of varied slope angles and slightly rotated in two planes (thus using minkowski for even clearance around seems way simpler coding wise then calculating even clearances normal to each surface)
LOL, though "sinking" triangular pointy prism into surface with manual approximated values even simpler and certainly not coding intensive
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hmm, interesting, same way sphere with $fn=4 doesn't end up in cube either. So i guess simplest way to get tetrahedron or octahedron would be with $fn=3 cylinder with d2=.001 and calculated height of sqrt(2/3)*side.
one month I stared at my octree code, too scared to implement non-manifold detecting code cause I thought it'd be way too annoying
"then you tried it and it was easy?" no then I realized that the correct answer was "just do not create non-manifold octrees" lol
which took like two hours and works depressingly well
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feep: Avoiding the making of non-manifold stuff does tend to be a much easier solution most of the time. The diversity of chaos that can count as non-manifold can be pretty wild, and a lot of it is just not fixable. :)
InPhase: yeah <3
"Blur your eyes and try to guess what the user meant" is a tricky algorithm to write.
tl;dr I was doing "recurse more deeply on cells that contain borders" but that didn't work for cells that only contained one face but where the *edge* of the cell was closer to another face, so the optimizer would move it there. the fix was "recurse more deeply on cells that have more than one face, *or* that have one face and another SDF range overlaps with its SDF."
so now it just recurses until the *whole* cell is closest to the face that's in it.
which~ fixes~ everything~
of course, because I wrote this with AI I now have +90 unpushed commits to review, most of which I don't remember lol
but tbh that's still much less threatening.
church__: Oops, that should be L-2*roundby
But basic idea. :)
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InPhase: seems that minkowski on such non-concave, non-round, flat objects, and when one you "drag around" also relatively simple, also very fast, fractions of seconds. So i guess in this case i'll go with minkowski :)
I have smooth intersection~
ugh. intersections (and differencing with them). got hit by those. luckily found "fix" in way of render(). otherwise they loved to blow csg object tree with crawling resulting performance or hit normalizing object limit
everything started to fly right after search & replace all intersection* with render() intersection :)
mh. it should be possible to make a d10 by intersecting 10 boxes, right?
I'm trying to get sonnet to do it, but it's producing shapes that have *very* little to do with d10 lol
InPhase: stupid idea .. but just had a thought - if object i need to make clearance around for is not that "easy to minkowski on" .. but shouldn't simple scale() do the job with less perf. hit?